pregnancy events part 1.

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Finding out.....

Mal pov. *in bathroom*

"No no no no no please no" I say to myself looking down at the pregnancy test in my hands that being the 5th one I've taken and the 5th one to say that I was pregnant. "MAl?" Shoot Ben! I immidently hide the tests and open the bathroom door. "Yes?" I say casually. "Are you ok ? You look pale" he asks. Me being me replies with "Ben I'm always pale" Ben sighs " palier then normal are you feeling ok? " I sigh replying with "I'm fine Ben I gotta go to Evies house bye love you"  pecking his lips and then rushing away

*timeskip to evies house*

Mal Crying pov.

" comon M  what's going on? Did he hurt you BECAUSE IF HE DID I WILL.... " Evie says supportivly  "He didn't do anything" I say cutting her off. Evie sighs "please tell me" I sigh and look at the ground " I'm kinda sorta maybe....... "
Evie smilies widely pulling me into a hug "M that's amazing!!!!! Does Ben know?" I sigh " ummmm not exactly...... "  Evie gives me a look "you have to tell him" I sigh " yeah I know..... " Evie sighs "go do it now besides I have an appointment anyways" I sigh softly " fine I'll see you later E " Evie smiles "see you later good luck"

*timeskip back at the castle*
Mal pov.

I hesitantly open the door to our room but the second I walk in the room Ben rushes over to me hugging me tightly and saying quickly "are you ok? You looked pale earlier.... What's going on? Why'd you leave so suddenly? Why were you at evies?" I sighs and look at the ground Ben of course notices and says " Hey I know that look tell me what's up " I sigh and whisper "don't be mad..." He of course hears and says " I won't I promise " I look up tears in my eyes and mumble " i-im pregnant.... " and he of course not hearing me says "sorry baby can you speak up what were you saying?" I sigh and say with a tear running down my cheek " I'm pregnant..... " Ben smiles widely and picks he me up spinning me around and 🐓 then placing me on the bed and pecks my  lips "Mal this is amazing babe" I whimper and say " r-really? "  he smiles and kisses my head "really"

(so I'm super lazy and don't want to write about them telling everyone so just imagine everyone being supportive except Hades who want to kill Ben but eventually excepts it)

Scenario 2 Hormones 5 months pregnant

Ben pov.

I was working on my office when Mal walked in God she's been extremely hormonal lately but I smile and look up at her "hi baby girl" She smilies and giggles replying in a cute baby voice " Hi Benny bear " I smile and peck her lips "do you need anything cuddle bunny ?"  She thinks for a sec then replys with * I wanna cuddle* I smile and sigh " I gotta do this paperwork hon can it wait?? " then before I know it she looks at the ground sadly and whimpers "pwease Benny" I sigh and close my eyes and she says tears falling down her cheeks "why are you being so mean to me?" And that's when I give in when she's sad and mad she's mad at me for a looong time "you know what babe let's go cuddle and I'll do this later" she smiles and says "awww thank you Benny bear" we end up spending the rest of the day cuddling and guess what?? I never end up doing the paper work

Scenario 3 more hormones 8 months pregnant

Ben pov. 4am.

I wake up as I feel the bed move and my wife toss and turn I sigh great baby's keeping her up "baby keeping you awake honey?" She sighs " yeah he won't stop kicking me " I chuckle and kiss her head "what?" She says her mood quickly changing from somewhat happy to annoyed " nothing honey it's just cute " and then she changes her mood from annoyed to upset and starts crying "I wanna sweep Benny" I sigh " I know my queen " she cries harder rubbing her stomach "let me sweep" and me  being the guy I am pull her into my lap and massage her hair and stomach trying to calm her down "Shhh baby it's ok I know your tired" she eventually falls asleep which is extremely rare with her so I kiss her head and just continue massaging her til morning

*timeskip one week later evening mal just came home from evies*

Mal pov.

I walk in the room that I share with my husband finally home and can just relax I fake smile at Ben having had stomach pain all day and now being the worst pain I've felt today "Hey beautiful how are you feeling?" He asks smiling I reply with a groan rubbing my stomach " his face  falls " stomach pain?? " I only nod him being the sweetest guy in the world picks me up laying me on the bed and taking my shoes off he grabs some rubbing oil and massages my feet. Once he's done doing that he picks me up lays on the bed and sets me to I'm between his legs with my head on his chest as he lifts my shirt up and puts some of the soothing oil I his hands and then rubs my extremely pregnant stomach I smile and close my eyes enjoying every second once he's done he goes and kisses my stomach and then whispers " can you stop hurting your mama please? " he kisses my head then gets up putting the oil away and laying next to me where we spend the rest of our day cuddling and watching movies.

So that's part 1 I'm gonna start a little competition who ever can type the emoji in the story and give a oneshot suggestion first in every chapter from now on gets a shout out only the first person to comment gets to do it fyi it doesn't have nothing to do with the story it's just a random emoji

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