Trips and pregnancy s

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Ben pov.
I was in my last meeting of the day when I heard something I never thought I would here well am least not  anytime soon anyway. The meeting was going as good as it could get witch on a scale from one to ten is probably like a 4 . Especially since my beautiful wife was not there to put the sidekicks in their place. I mean I don't blame her for deciding to stop coming to these things. There sucky enough and Mal being 7.5  months pregnant would definitely make it worse. Oh yeah back to the meeting we were almost done when queen Leah said... " And of course you must go to the yearly peace and trade meeting with the surrounding countries this upcoming weekend ".  ( me imagining my friends funny voice she used for a book report video as queen Leah 's voice😂@MelonOnion u know what I mean😂 😂😂😂😂)  I ask how long it is . Which my father replies saying it could be 2-4 weeks. The second hear that I shout THERE IS NO WAY IN HECK THAT I AM LEAVING FOR THAT LONG!!!!!!! M ainly thinking about MAL as I say it. My mom then adds ,  it's best for the kingdom son. I reply saying YEAH maybe for the kingdom but for the next 2.5 months my #1 priority is MAL end of discussion. My dad adds, Son she'll be fine she's not dieing your going and that's final! So then we had a vote and now I'm going yippie kiyay! Lord kill me now. I leave in 2 days and I have no clue how to tell mal.

Time skip

I had just finished up my work for the day dreading the conversation that I'm about to have with mal. I walk in our room to find mal laying on our bed rubbing circles on her very pregnant stomach. She looks up at me with a miserable look on her face. Hi baby I say trying to lighten the mood. In return I get a groan from my wife. She kicking again? I ask her. She replied saying only for the past hour. Taking a deep breath I go lie down next to my mal which ended up with her laying  between my legs with her head on my chest. As I rub circles on her stomach. There's an awkward silence and I decide to just get it over with. Mal sweetie? I ask. Yea Benny she mumbles. So umm I have to go away for awhile. That's funny babe mal replies. No mal I Ummmmmmm I'm really leaving . I see her face shatter and hear her say voice cracking B-but w-w- what about m-m-m-me? She says with a tear falling down her cheek i-i don't wanna be alone pls don't leave me  Benny please. She pleads tears streaming down her face. Mal i ...  She cuts me off crying hard now please Benny please Benny please please stay with me I don't wanna be here alone Benny please I'm s-scared. My  mal says hugging me tight refusing to let go (she is extremely hormonal and terrified he won't be with her when she goes into labor) it's only for a few weeks princesses I say rubbing her back as she cries into my chest. That just makes her cry harder and tighten her grip on me. For an hour or so we just sit there hugging eachouther. After a while I hear a muffled p-please d-dont l-leave m-m-m-me from my chest. I hug her tight knowing I HAVE TO go.  Eventually mal cries herself to sleep and I join her in her slumber.

Time skip two days later

Ben pov.

Do u really have to go? I hear mal say only for the hundredth time. Yes gorgeous but I will video call you every night for as long as you need. I say lovingly. I give her one last hug and kiss her forehead whispering I'll be home soon I promise. I then get in the limo on my way to the airport. This is gonna be a loooong trip.

Time skip 1week

Mal pov.

One week he's been gone for one week but it feels like a decade. Yeah sure he calls me every day but it's not the same. Especially when your waking up at four am. Cuz the tiny person inside you is kicking  non-stop and decides that you don't get to sleep anymore. When that happens im used to Ben being with me and rubbing my stomach or staying up with me cuz I can't sleep. I miss him alot especially on my hormonal days he usually just does what I tell him to and stays with me but now I don't have anyone to take it out on. And the main thing is im 7 months and three and a half weeks pregnant so technically it is possible that I could go into labor and that scares me to death my biggest fear is Ben not being with me when I have this baby. 1 I know it's gonna hurt like heck and I need someone to hold me / that I can scream at. And 2. I JUST NEED HIM. Some days are worse than others like today I'm very hormonal the council is kicking my ace and not to mention the press interview I had to do. I finally finished my work and am currently curled up in mine and Ben's bed wearing his sweatshirt a dirty one obviously if they clean it doesn't smell like him. I find myself crying for some reason  , and as I'm doing that I get I video call from Ben. I answer it saying Benny? MAL princess what's wrong baby girl? He says immidently. I-i m-miss you. I want h-hugs and k-kisses a-and b-belly rubs. I know honey I miss you too I promise when I get back I'll give you as many hugs kisses as you want and I'll rub you for and long as I want.

Ben pov

It kills me not being able to give my girl what she needs. We talk for a while and eventually I have to hang up. I sigh as I hang up one week and I'll be able to hold her one week.

Time skip one week

Mal pov.

It's one of two in the morning and if course I'm awake shocker! When I hear the door knob to my room turn it's dark so I can't see the intruder immidently my isle senses kick in and I grab a vace of something to defend myself. The intruder comes closer to me and I punch 👊 the intruder in the face. Immediately regretting when I hear a familiar groan and the lights come on. BEN! BEN OH MY GOSH!!! I'm so sorry Ben I didn't know it was you and... Ben cuts me off saying calm down baby I'm okay . I pull him into a big hug and kiss him passionately we were basically making out, when we finished I snuggled into him and fell fast asleep knowing I was safe back in my Benny s arms.

Sorry rly bad ending so I need ideas for bAby names for the next chapter tell me what you think in the comments hoped u like peace ✌ out

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