The Fight Part. 2

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It probably won't be very good but who said this story was anyways!

Ben pov. The next day

I stayed up all night watching the footage over and over again. I know as a fact mal wouldn't just do that . Right? After watching it in every way possible I realized. Mal started walking away and then Uma said something. Mal turned and then the fight broke out. Whatever Uma said had to of upset mal to make her do that. If only there was an audio. Maybe mal will tell me ha I doubt it but its worth a shot right?

Mal pov.

I woke up to find no ben I sat up and saw him deep in thought with a tablet in hand and bags under his eyes. Ben did u sleep at all last night? I ask. Ummm no... He mumbles. because? I ask. Oh look at the time I got to go to a meeting . He says quickly running out of the room. I sat back on the bed and sigh thinking about the other day what if uma was right? I knew I'd have to talk to at least ben about it but would he understand?

Ben pov.

I decided I would ask mal about the fight. So after my last meeting I went to go find her. I decided to look in my mom's rose garden she has grown rather found of that place. As I'm walking around the garden I hear the faint sound of someone crying. As I grow closer to the sound I realize that Mal is the one crying. I turn the corner to find Mal laying on the ground with blood all over her. I immidently run up to her and kneel down beside her. Mal? I say softly. B-b-Ben? She whimpers between sobs. Shhh honey I got u Shhh your safe now. I say lovingly. I start looking at her injuries. But can't see very well because of her blood soaked shirt 👕 . I pull it up a bit and ask her if I can take it off. She nods. I take her shirt off and see that her whole torso is bruised with cuts all over it. The worst cut is a diagonal line through her stomach. Her nose and lip are bleeding she had a black eye. I look back at her stomach to see that its swelling along with her ankles and wrists. Ok add a few broken bones to the list of injuries. I snake my arms under her so I can pick her up. But as I do so I can tell that me just touching her causes her more pain. But I know I have to get her to a hospital. I whisper to her this is going to hurt love 💘 you can cry, snuggle into my chest,squeeze my hand whatever you need to do. Because I have to get u to a doctor. Ok? In response she whimpers as she nods her head. I take off my shirt and put it on her, and pick her up bridal style as I hear her cry in pain once again. Once I stand up i let her get situated in my arm s which ends with her head in my chest as she cries. And her hands tightly gripped to my shirt.

Mal pov.

I have no idea what's going on all I currently know is that Ben found me and will take care of me, and that EVERYTHING hurts especially my back and stomach. After being punched and kicked several times. Along with cut and whipped. And more than u could imagine. I'm in more than just a little pain. I am currently in Ben's lap with my head in his chest balling my eyes out because of the pain. I know Ben's doing the best he can to help me. Every so often he'll whisper something like I got you your safe now or your gonna be okay to me while he runs a hand through my hair. Were in the limo because Ben's obviously sitting not walking anymore. I can't wait till we get to where ever it is were going I want more than anything for this pain to go away and to sleep. The limo stops and ben picks me up again I can't help but cry out in pain. I know sweetie he says to me. Then Ben lays me down on something. No! I don't want to leave his arms. I use all my left over strength 💪 to whine/ moan out noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo while I reach for him sitting up ish ow! This hurts like heck I start to cry harder . I feel a hand on my shoulder pushing me back I whimper in pain. As I lie down. Then we start moving. Ok I'm on a stretcher cool 😎 NOT! I try to say something that's when I hear Ben whisper to me I'm right here honey your gonna go into emergency surgery now I'll be right here when you wake ⏰ up I love you princess he says as he kissed my forehead. NO I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE HIM! ....... Then I fall unconscious.

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