Bullies and Tears 😢

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Sorry I'm really bad at updating. I got some ideas so I'll start getting more stuff up. Also anyone seen the new descendants trailer? It's nuts!

Shout out to tripo6 for the idea. Y'all should check out her stories their great!

Mal pov.

I had just grabbed my books from my locker to go to my next class when I turned and bumped into someone and dropped my books. Oh sorry about that I quickly said looking up to see Audrey and her friend Alyssa (Alice in wonderland daughter) Ugh watch where your going little spaz Audrey spat at me. Ewwww what are you wearing?? My eyes!!! Said Alyssa. Ya seriously you really don't have anything else? I mean are you wearing a trash bag? Audrey then added. This had been going on for several weeks and mal was trying just to ignore it but everyone has a breaking point. Even mal. Mal quickly grabbed her books and replied to the girls well at least I have a boyfriend. Who are you to dating again? Oh right you guys don't have a boyfriend gease wonder why? Mal you really are dumber than you look replied Alyssa. You really think he would ever make someone like you a queen? Alyssa added. Ya he's just using you, so you really think he would love a villain like you? Audrey added. I started walking away just about to my breaking point when Alyssa yelled " you gonna go cry to your mommy oh wait your mom's a lizard and could care less about you. ( Fyi halls are empty) I really didn't know where I was going just anywhere away from them. Eventually I found my self back at my dorm. All I wanted to do was cry. I went in my dorm to thankfully find it empty. I went in and collapsed on my bed and let everything out. All I wanted to do was snuggle up to ben. Which I knew was not going to happen anytime soon. Because ben had been really stressed out lately and the last thing I wanted to do was make him more stressed with my problems.

Ben pov.

I had just signed my last paper for the day and could finally go see mal. had haven't seen her all week so I figured I could surprise her. Once I got to the school I started heading over to the dorm area. When I ran into Audrey and Alyssa . Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii beeeeenn they both sang. Hi have any of you seen mal? I asked. Ummmmmmm nope they both replied and walked off. Hmm that was strange. Once I got to Mals dorm i could hear someone lightly sobbing in her room. I slowly opened the door to find my precious mal crying 😢 on her bed. I walked over to her and Sat on the bed next to her. Mal i whisper while I rubbed her back. She didn't reply. So I pulled her onto my lap which she immidently barried be head into my chest. Sweetheart what's wrong I whisper into her ear. I then hear her quietly whisper do you really love 💘 me? Mal of course I love you what made you think I didn't? Then she told me about all the stuff Audrey and Alyssa have been saying to her. Mal don t you dare let that get into your head ok? I will always love you no matter what I told her. We both spent the rest of the day cuddling until we both fell asleep 😴. Tomorrow I got some princesses to talk to!.😠😡

Sorry it was getting late rly bad ending hope you like. Pls remember to leave sugestions if you already have promise I'm getting to it! Also fyi I SUCK at spelling sorry about that. Anyway try to update soon peace out😜😜

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