28: へたくそ

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へたくそ (hetakuso): bad, unskilled


"shoyo-kun will be joining us next year, right?" atsumu said as he aimlessly walks beside bokuto.

"ooh! he is?! i can't wait to meet him again!" bokuto beamed, his steps are slightly faster by the sudden burst of energy. bokuto then turned his head to atsumu, "but sora is staying in brazil, right?" bokuto said. "really, what's with that guy? i wanted to go against him so bad.." bokuto whined.

atsumu lifted one of his eyebrows and then sighed. true to his teammate's words, sorashi is not coming back to japan. he wasn't sad really, if that made sorashi happy, then who is he to disagree? okay, maybe he was a little depressed about that. just a year after sora's departure, he received a news that sorashi is going to be brazilian citizen. that threw him off-guard for a few moments, messing up his sets for a few days. because to be honest, atsumu had promised sorashi to set for him. it's not like he and sorashi broke that promise, they had once play together in the same team, but stil-- he felt not satiated enough.

as for bokuto, he once has a dream of winning against sorashi. his former hughschool team, fukurodani, always won over karasuno, yes, but if one versus one, the former captain of fukurodani thought he wouldn't win against him. sorashi was kind of popular among the contestants in the nationals because of his intense eye-glare when he was in -- as what the red head former basketball player that always glued to the hip with sorashi said -- the zone. for once he wanted to break off from the number thirteen's heavy gaze. ge seemed like he was so mesmerized that he couldn't focus properly. but beside that, he also want to play in the same team with him. Strong people motivates him the most afterall!

atsumu slumps his shoulders, huffed at his teammate who is practically vibrating from excitement. "I wonder if he will ever come back ta do a reunion." atsumu said as he shook his head lightly.

the wing-spiker stopped in his track and cocked his head to the side, "wait, you don't know, tsumtsum?" 

"what?" atsumu shot back with annoyance evident on his face. recently, the setter feels he is missing something and can't figure ut out so- maybe bokuto, knows?

bokuto patted atsumu's back, "sora will be here soon, you don't need to won--"

"he is here?!"

"he isn't here.. yet,"

"i know!"

the blond setter turned his head upwards to the sky as he continues his walk with bokuto. what should he do? his heart is not okay by the news. to be visited by one of the most influental new players? unbelievably nerve-wracking. he sighed softly.

"i have- no such thing as a desire to win." sora said in one of his conversation with atsumu. "if i don't put myself 200% on practice, why should i expect myself to win? why should i expect myself to do 201% on tournaments?"

"i am no prodigy or such, i'm just a volleyball-mania that practices so hard even outside the court to be on the same level as the prodigies."

that hits home. he never knew and cared about things about his spikers outside the court. all he cared about was their condition on the match and he never cared anything beside that. of course there are external causes that might cause a spiker to not be on their apex condition.

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