11: copycat

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the chains are there, almost visible to naked eyes. they are chaining sorashi down from flying higher. they are tying his limbs with impossible to break knots.

and sorashi being sorashi, is unaware of that. if he kept being like this, he won't go to nationals anytime soon. but thank kami-sama, sorashi is slowly becoming a better version of himself.

he is more relaxed than before. he is still the same perfectionist who forced his body beyond its limit but, you can now see a little grin here and there everytime he plays. and let me tell you, tanaka and nishinoya lowkey so proud of him. daichi said he is just, more, mature? they still don't know for sure.

sora sits beside kageyama with a tired face written over his face. his eyes still focuses on his weekly jump, his eyelids occasionally closed when he got to carried away with the story. he kept being like this until he can't resist the urge to sleep anymore, his head fell softly onto kageyama's shoulder, making the first year setter's face flushed in deep red.

kageyama don't know what to do since they are still not in the best term. he had kind of made up? with hinata but he hasn't discussing their arguments further with his beloved senpai. he is so scared that sora will hate him like oikawa does to him, which is completely ridiculous. sora and oikawa might be looked kind of similiar (they are both a stupid perfectionist, iwaizumi said.) but they are way way too different. mattsun and makki said that they are different because sorashi didn't caused any big braincells damage, unlike their captain who loves to burn everyone's brain with his stupidity.

so kageyama decided to sit still like a rock, earning a few chuckles from the team and quiet snickers from tsukishima. kageyama scoffed at them but actually he was just stealing glances at the taller player beside him. and everytime he glances at sorashi, the third year always stirs in his sleep, making the first year's anxiety level spiked up.

kageyama's eyes are getting heavier as the time passes, he subsconsciously started to lean on sorashi. they sleep snuggling against each other as if the world is in peace. everyone lowkey envied kageyama, but don't tell them i told you that.

it is a new sight for them, to see sorashi relaxed in his sleep. usually he sleep with a frown on his face, making everyone steer clear from waking him up. but right now, sora is just sleeping as if he don't have any problems.


"alright everyone, we are almost there!" takeda called from the driver seat, waking everyone up.

kageyama flutters his eyes open with a yawn. he cracked his knuckles and stretched his stiff neck. he sighed at the satisfying feelings, he then turned his head to the side, only to be greeted by a pair of lazy eyes that was staring at him from the head on his shoulder.

"tobio," sora calls him with a sleepy tone.

tobio immediately sat right up and throw his gaze the other way. his cheeks and neck are all red. he spluttered a reply all while being flustered, "w-what?!"

oof that was too harsh than he was intended to be.

"you are so cute with red cheeks, tobio-chan,"

"'m not!"

"hum, yes you are,"

"'m not cute!"

"yeah yeah, you can deny my words but not the reality." sorashi grinned. kageyama was stunned, he never really saw sora's close-up smile before.

"by the way." sora breathed on kageyama's neck.

"oi, sora! don't flirt too much with the first year, we still need him to beat seijoh!" tanak shouted, followed by nishinoya's loud laughters.

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