08: 赤

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sorashi's face is expressionless as ever. he stands beside coach ukai with slumped shoulders, his lazy eyes trained to the floor, clearly avoiding his teammates's gaze. the others began to flooding the gym one by one as the time pass, and they are so shocked to see their missing teammate standing beside their coach.

once they are back from their dazed state, they boys began to asking so many things at once, overwhelming the tall third year. sorashi is only standing there wordless as he attempt to stop his teammates by smiling.

kageyama swarmed his way to see his senior after a long time. sorashi is still smiling even though the others keep trying to pry some information, he is also brushing off some of the questions that were thrown by his teammates at ease by some simple words. kageyama felt a rage bubbled in his chest when their eyes met.

everything was red in kageyama's vision. before he could stop himself, he had himself pounced at sorashi. he grabbed sora's shirt's collar and yelled at him. "if you are still the same don't come back!"

sorashi stumbled back without a word. he can taste a tinge of pain in his chest. sorashi being sorashi, stared at kageyama with so much intensity that the others who stood behind kageyama shivered. he squared his shoulder, straightening his taller body, and then stepped towards kageyama.

"oi-- oi!" ukai tried to push sorashi back from kageyama. sorashi is not affected at all by ukai's attempts to push him off of kageyama.

"sora-kun!" sugawara put a hand on sora's chest to distance him and kageyama.

the next is really shocked the team to the core. instead of arguing back., sora only patted kageyama's head, offering the young setter a smile. "i'll try to be better, tobio." he then walked away to the bench, picked up his bag, and departed from the gym.

everyone's eyes is on the tall player's back until he is gone through the door and they turned their head to the setter who is still in his first position since then. everyone is in silence while daichi and sugawara exchanging a knowing look.

"what's with you, kageyama? are you aware that he could punch you to the depth of hell if he wanted to?" ukai scolded kageyama. the setter only hung his head low, his hand balled into a fist.

he gritted his teeth and threw his gaze to the gym's door. "i know!" he said harshly.

"are you mad because your confession was rejected?" hinata quipped.

"it wasn't that, boke!" kageyama yelled to hinata with a slight pink on his cheeks.

"here he is," tsukishima sighed.

coach ukai cleared his throat to catch back the crows' attention. "so, care to explain to us?" he asked with hands both folded in his chest.

a week ago, kageyama was walking to the nearest convenience store to buy some milk. he cursed himself because of his carelessness he should go out to buy it when he could laid down on his bed after a long tiring practice.

he was busy cursing himself that he almost failed to catch a glimpse of long dark haired man with gleaming eyes playing on an outdoor basketball court. kageyama quickly stepped back to watch, ignoring the fact that he doesn't know anything about baskeball.

he was quite sure that the one wearing black shirt is his senior, so he squinted his eyes and saw the none other than sorashi! he was kind of teared up when realized that he finally can see his senior after weeks.

the funny thing was, even though sorashi was sweating like crazy, it didn't even affecting him a bit. it was like watching a whole another person with the same body. kageyama couldn't believe this! the usually sleepyhead and always fainting after two games are actually a beast? a beast is an exaggeration though, but he can see that sorashi has played three games.

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