If I'm The Babysitter... Can I Kiss The Daddy? Chapter 15

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I blacked out...

Well, for a few seconds anyway.

*BOOM*  The bedroom door burst open to reveal a stressed-looking butler.

“OH! Mademoiselle and Monsieur, I deeply apologize for my intrusion but there is a fire in one of the rooms above. We must evacuate immediately!” He said, shielding his eyes from the naked people (us) in front of him.

Max groaned and rolled off me, grabbing his pants and getting dressed. All I could do was sit there in a mixture of confusion and shock. Was I saved after all? Max turned to me and gave me a hard look.

“I will meet you downstairs,” was all he said as he pushed the butler out the door and slammed it behind them both. I was saved! It seemed too good to be true- I thought I was going to have to sleep with Max in order to get little Henri back to his Father. Ahhh Jack... how I missed him.

Shit!” I exclaimed when smoke from upstairs began seeping through the ceiling. There was a fire to get away from. I threw my clothes on, seized my bag with my passport in it and ran out of the bedroom. Just as I was about to run out the front door too, I felt that strange feeling of forgetting something... HENRI!!!

I found the door to Henri’s room and ripped it open, the doorknob flying off in the process. Surely Max hadn’t left the poor child here to die?!

“HENRI!” I screamed. The room was full of thick black smoke and I struggled to locate Henri’s bed. It took me fifteen seconds to make out the shape of Henri’s bed and a lump underneath the covers. That BASTARD had  left Henri for dead after all! He was beyond evil! I ran over to the bed, coughing smoke like a chimney as I shook Henri vigorously.

“Henri! Can you hear me? Wake up! Please don’t be dead...” I was panicking, I knew, but I loved Henri so much, I would kill myself if I let anything happen to him.

Henri stirred and his cute bed-head popped out from the top of the sheets.

“Chloe... what’s going on?” He asked dazedly with his adorable lisp, coughing repeatedly. I had to get him out of there before the smoke seriously harmed him... or worse killed him!

“Don’t worry about that just listen to me- you must do everything that I say, okay?” I said, my eyes watering from the overpowering smoke.

I didn’t have a plan till that second. That second when I realized that I couldn’t go back to Max who was undoubtedly waiting for me downstairs. I knew I couldn’t trust him and even if I did sleep with him, there was no guarantee that he would hand Henri back over to Jack. The risk was too great. I knew what I had to do now.

“Henri, we have a lot of running to do. Are you up for that?”

Making our way downstairs was probably the scariest thing I’d ever done in my life. There was the chilling thought of getting caught by Max on the way and the building was nearly completely filled with smoke as the fire progressed. God, didn’t France have a Fire Brigade?!

We were about to exit via the front entrance but I saw the masses of people outside and imagined that was were Max would be waiting. We went in the opposite direction to a sign that helpfully said in English:

Emergency Side Exit this way ===> 

Following the directions, we came to an ancient fire door barricaded by empty wine bottles and crates. I wasted no time hurling them away from me as I tried pushing the door. Please don’t let it be locked! It wasn’t and I breathed a sigh of relief, brushing my static hair away from my face and wiping the sweat off my forehead.

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