Chapter 9

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Dawnpaw ran as fast as her paws could carry her. Her heart was pounding fearfully, and her breath came in gasps. The furious screeching of fighting cats sounded once more behind her, only imploring her to run faster. I have no battle training yet! she thought in horror. Whoever those cats are, they would rip me to shreds.

Part of Dawnpaw knew she should be running towards the battle, using her medicinal skills to heal those who were wounded. But fear and instinct had overpowered her rational thinking, and so she kept running. The landscape around her was blurred, and she didn't even know where she was, who the fighting cats were, or where she was running to. She didn't stop to figure it out.

Above all the hissing and spitting, a pained, frightened yowl rose into the air. It was incoherent, merely a sound of pure helplessness.

And in that instant Dawnpaw knew that she had to help.

Her eyes flew open, and she found herself back in her nest in the medicine den, her paws flailing in the air. She stilled herself, breathing deeply to steady her pounding heart.

The memory of the dream was already fading, when suddenly Dawnpaw heard another yowl of pain.

Exactly like the one in her dream, except this was no dream.

Wide awake now, Dawnpaw leaped to her paws and bounded over to Grayleaf. Her mentor was already awake and rising to her paws.

"You heard it too?" Dawnpaw panted.

"Yes," Grayleaf replied grimly. "And it sounded like Rainfoot. I think her kits are coming at last."

Dawnpaw gasped. "It's not too early, is it?"

Grayleaf made a beeline for the herb store and began sifting through the leaves and berries. "The kits are right on time," she meowed reassuringly. "But Rainfoot sounds very distressed; she'll need more than medicinal assistance."

"Perhaps I should fetch Patchflower, or Shinefur," Dawnpaw suggested. The two she-cats were both experienced queens. Patchflower was Dawnpaw and Rosepaw's mother, while Shinefur gave birth to Shadowpaw and Minnowpaw.

"Yes, that's a good idea," Grayleaf agreed. "Go and wake Patchflower. She gave birth more recently, so she'll have a clearer idea of what Rainfoot's going through."

Dawnpaw nodded briskly and raced out of the medicine den, toward the warrior den.

She wasn't surprised when she ducked into the den to find cats already stirring. Rainfoot's yowl was loud enough to scare all the prey from here to the Moontree.

Patchflower raised her head, her luminous green eyes glittering with worry. "Dawnpaw?" she meowed. "Rainfoot is kitting, isn't she? That was her yowling."

Dawnpaw nodded, forcing herself to stop trembling. "Yes," she replied. "And she's going to need your help."

Patchflower nodded briskly. "I know what to do. You just go and help Grayleaf."

Dawnpaw nodded again and raced out of the den. She spotted Grayleaf ducking into the nursery just as Rainfoot screeched again. Her heart twisted with sympathy. I don't think average kittings are this painful, she thought anxiously. I hope nothing goes wrong. StarClan, protect Rainfoot!

Dawnpaw followed her mentor into the nursery. At one end of the den, Rainfoot was splayed out in her nest, panting hard. Grayleaf was bent over her calmly, murmuring gentle encouragement.

"The first kit will be born soon. You're doing fantastic; nothing's wrong. Just keep pushing, Rainfoot."

"Patchflower is on her way," Dawnpaw reported. She kept her distance, knowing that she wouldn't be much help as such a young apprentice. But I need to watch so I can learn what to do.

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