Chapter 33

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Rosethorn's eyes blinked open groggily, and she winced irritably as cold, bright sunlight quickly blinded her. She shivered, wishing briefly that she was a senior warrior so she could sleep in the warmer corners of the warrior den.

Then she realized that the chill she felt was on her fur, coming from her left side. She lifted her head curiously. Minnowtail was fast asleep beside her, curled up in a tight silver ball. Her flank rose and fell steadily, her breath like tiny clouds in the chilly air.

Rosethorn's nose twitched. Minnowtail didn't smell like she'd been sleeping. Her pelt smelled of wind, and the forest. Perhaps she's been out on an early patrol. Did I wake up late?

A jolt passed through her. Had she missed Adderstar's announcement? Was SunClan not going to battle the rogues after all?

Panicked, Rosethorn scrambled out of her nest and bounded out of the den. She looked up, narrowing her eyes against the daylight, and found that the sky was a pale blue, but the sun was still slowly rising.

Birchpelt was lying beside Rainfoot near the fresh-kill pile, washing her ears. Both cats looked up when they saw Rosethorn.

"Is something wrong?" Birchpelt asked.

Rosethorn shook her head. "Has Adderstar called a meeting yet?"

Rainfoot and Birchpelt exchanged a confused glance. "No," the latter meowed. "Why would he call a meeting?"

Rosethorn cursed silently. She had forgotten that the rest of the Clan had no idea what might happen today. "I overheard him talking to Beestripe yesterday, before the Gathering. He said he's thinking about taking a battle patrol to fight the rogues and get revenge for...for everything they've done." She avoided saying Pineclaw's name in particular. It wasn't the whole truth, but Adderstar was debating this.

"Really?" Rainfoot's eyes rounded with worry. "I don't know if the beginning of leaf-bare is the best time for an all-out battle."

"How big is the patrol going to be?" Birchpelt asked. "If most of our warriors get injured, how will we hunt? I don't want Rainfoot or my kits to starve. I can understand why Adderstar would want to do this, but it seems a little unreasonable right now."

Rosethorn stifled a wince. The battle had been her and Dawnpaw's idea; it hurt that she was being criticized, even if Birchpelt and Rainfoot weren't doing it intentionally.

"He might not do it," she mewed tightly. "I don't know what he'll decide. But I think it's a good idea. After all, even if we don't fight, warriors could get hurt anyway. Look what happened to Pineclaw."

As soon as the words left her mouth, Rosethorn regretted them. That was harsh. I shouldn't have said that.

"I'm sorry," she muttered. "That was a rash thing to say."

"Don't apologize," Rainfoot meowed kindly. "No cat can blame you for grieving. And we all want to avenge Pineclaw's death as much as you do."

Oh, I don't think you do, Rosethorn thought darkly, recalling her violent dreams of killing the rogue who murdered her mate-to-be.

Out loud she meowed, "It's all up to Adderstar. We'll just have to wait for his decision."

Rustling from the warriors' den caught the trio's attention. Shadowpool emerged from the entrance, guiding a very groggy-looking Minnowtail outside.

"Come on," he was meowing with amusement. "You didn't even come to the Gathering last night. Why are you so tired?"

"Didn't sleep well," Minnowtail mumbled in reply, narrowing her eyes against the sun. Together the two siblings padded towards the nursery.

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