Chapter 31

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With Beestripe, Dawnpaw, and Grayleaf flanking her, Rosethorn crossed the camp towards Adderstar's den. Cats who were soaking up the weak evening sunlight stared at them curiously as they walked. Rosethorn suppressed her wry amusement. I must look pretty important, with the Clan deputy and medicine cats walking beside me!

The four cats pushed through the frail vines that grew over the cave's mouth. Inside the den, Adderstar was crouched near the wall covered in scratches, idly examining his claws. He looked up with surprise, his flaming eyes glowing in the dim light.

"This ought to be interesting," he murmured half to himself, scanning the cats who had come into his den. Louder he prompted, "So what brings all of you here? Is this about the Gathering?"

"No, Adderstar," Rosethorn meowed, dipping her head respectfully as she spoke. "This is about something else."

"Grayleaf and I don't know what she has to say," Beestripe admitted, "but she insisted that our opinions were needed too."

"This must be important, then." Adderstar narrowed his eyes, focusing on Rosethorn. "Speak."

Suddenly rather nervous, Rosethorn took a deep breath to steady herself. "I think we've spent far too much time ignoring the rogues," she began. "Only because they hadn't been a big problem back then. But now they are. They think they have free reign over our territory. They steal our prey, kill—" Her voice cracked, and her belly tightened with grief. She forced herself to go on. "—kill one of our warriors, and think they can get away with all of it. But we can't let them. They need to be taught a lesson they won't forget: that SunClan is not to be messed with!"

Adderstar's ears were pricked with interest. Clearly he hadn't expected a young warrior to approach him with this opinion. "You're saying we should fight back?"

"Absolutely," Rosethorn said. "You must agree, right? Every moment we let them think they have power over us is a moment they could spend hunting our food or harming our cats. We can't let that happen!"

"I do agree." The SunClan leader turned to Beestripe and Grayleaf, who sat side by side. "What do you think about this?" he asked.

Rosethorn pressed closer to Dawnpaw, praying the deputy and medicine cat would agree. If they don't want to go along with this, then neither will Adderstar!

"Well, it does seem reasonable that we need to teach these rogues a lesson," Grayleaf mewed. "And I want payback for Pineclaw's death as much as any cat. But," she added, glancing at Rosethorn, "I'm just not sure this is the right time for a fight. Leaf-bare is upon us now, and we can't risk any more serious injuries, or deaths. We need all the hunters we can get."

"But what will those hunters do when there's no prey to hunt, because the rogues have taken it all?" Rosethorn challenged her. "Starvation is long-term, and there's no retreating from it. It would kill more cats than a battle. And again, things are bound to get worse the longer we let the rogues stay here!"

My point is reasonable, she thought frustratedly. Why doesn't Grayleaf think I have the right idea?

"That's true," Beestripe meowed. "Injuries aren't the only thing we have to worry about. Prey in leaf-bare is scarce enough without prey-stealing rogues on our tails. We can't let any food slip away from us."

Rosethorn nodded, relieved that someone else was on her side.

"Yes, starvation could also mean sickness in the Clan," Dawnpaw spoke up quietly. She seemed shy about voicing her opinion in front of so many high-status cats, which confused Rosethorn. She spoke out of turn to an entire Gathering. Why would this bother her? "I agree that injuries at the start of leaf-bare are a bad thing, but whitecough and greencough are worse. At least having more prey will make the Clan stronger."

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