Chapter 15

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The first thing Rosepaw felt when she awoke was another warm body stirring beside her. She lifted her head sleepily to investigate, and found herself staring into the amber eyes of Pineclaw.

"Rosepaw, you're awake!" he gasped. "Thank StarClan. I was so worried!" He rubbed his muzzle over Rosepaw's face, purring, and Rosepaw found herself purring too.

"Where are Dawnpaw and Grayleaf?" she asked, looking around. The two medicine cats were nowhere to be seen.

"They went to the half-moon meeting," Pineclaw explained. "Grayleaf said your injuries weren't fatal anymore, and it was okay to leave you here for a while." His eyes darkened. "I stayed here, just in case."

"How long have I been asleep?" Rosepaw asked with a frown. She could see sunlight streaming through tiny holes in the den wall.

"The rest of the patrol brought you in as the sun was going down. You slept all through the night after Grayleaf treated you. She and Dawnpaw should be back from the meeting soon."

"Is everyone else okay?"

"You were the only one who had to stay in the medicine den."

Rosepaw twisted around to examine herself. Her fur was well groomed—Pineclaw probably groomed me in my sleep, she thought warmly—but she could see scars parting her fur in many places. She suppressed a gasp when she saw the nasty bite on her shoulder.

"That was where most of the blood came from," Pineclaw muttered. "Seriously, Rosepaw, I thought you were dead when they carried you into camp. I was so scared."

Rosepaw was touched by how much her mentor cared. She licked each of his ears comfortingly. "I'm here now," she mewed. "That's all that matters."

Pineclaw leaned closer to her, close enough for her to see the soft red fur that rounded his face. His sweet scent wreathed around her. I wish we could stay like this forever, she thought.

"Do you think you could walk?" Pineclaw asked gently. "The rest of the Clan is eager to see if you're okay."

"Sure, I could stand," Rosepaw meowed. She staggered to her paws, with Pineclaw rising beside her. But her injured shoulder ached when she tried to put weight on her leg, and she almost flopped back into her nest.

Pineclaw rushed to her side and pushed her back up with his flank. "Lean on me," he instructed.

Together apprentice and mentor emerged from the medicine den. Rosepaw narrowed her eyes against the pale sunlight, and fluffed out her fur against the chilly wind. Leaf-fall was on its way to the forest.

The clearing was mostly deserted—she guessed most of the warriors were on the morning patrols—but a few cats were still left. Shadowpaw glanced up near the apprentice den, his eyes widening in surprise and delight, and muttered something in Minnowpaw's ear. The silver she-cat looked up as well, and together they hurried toward Pineclaw and Rosepaw.

"Hi, Rosepaw!" Minnowpaw chirped. "How are you feeling?"

"Great," Rosepaw mewed. She examined Minnowpaw. "Wow, you've hardly got a scratch on you!"

"Lucky, I guess," Minnowpaw purred proudly. "Look, Shadowpaw, she tore her ear! Nice battle scar right there."

Shadowpaw looked less enthusiastic. "Yeah, that shows how hard you fought."

Rosepaw couldn't help feeling a little smug. Wait till I show this off to Nightpaw! Although I'd bet that Quickstorm and Patchflower would be less amused. Dawnpaw, too.

"Where is Nightpaw?" she asked suddenly.

"Out training with Thrushtail," Minnowpaw said. "But we're not training today," she added with a glance at Shadowpaw. "And you'll never guess why!"

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