Chapter 2

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"Let all those cats old enough to catch their own prey join beneath the Cliffrock for a Clan meeting!"

Rosekit wriggled with excitement beside Dawnkit as Adderstar's commanding yowl sounded from outside. Even in the nursery she could hear the SunClan leader's voice echo.

Today's the day! My apprentice ceremony!

"Okay, it's time! You remember what to do. Don't you?" Patchflower was fussing over Rosekit and Dawnkit, making sure their fur was flat and glossy and that the kits knew what to do during the ceremony.

"Yes, Patchflower," Dawnkit repeated to her mother. "We remember."

"What are we waiting for?" Rosekit meowed, flicking her tail decisively. "I don't know about you, but I'm not going to be late for my apprentice ceremony." She sprang to her paws and trotted out of the nursery.

"Impatient furball," Dawnkit muttered behind her, just loud enough for Rosekit to hear. The sound of pawsteps told her that her sister and Patchflower were following her.

Rosekit gazed up at Adderstar, who was perched atop the giant boulder jutting out of the ground, like a cliff, which gave the rock its name. Adderstar's powerful build was outlined in the rising sun, and his amber eyes seemed to glow. He scanned the clearing proudly as cats emerged from their dens or rose from sharing tongues, until almost the whole Clan was gathering under the Cliffrock. Grayleaf crouched at the entrance to her den, while all the queens—except Patchflower—were settled at the nursery entrance.

Rosekit took her place beside Patchflower, with Dawnkit next to her. The cream-colored she-kit sat still and calm; only her sparkling eyes betrayed her excitement. Searching the crowd, Rosekit quickly spotted Quickstorm sitting close to the base of the Cliffrock. He had his back to her, but his pride was betrayed in every hair on his pelt.

"Cats of SunClan," Adderstar began, "this is a proud day for our Clan. Two kits have reached their six-moon mark and are ready to become apprentices."

He slithered off the top of the rock, down to the base. Beestripe, the deputy, slipped back to give him more room.

Adderstar's piercing amber gaze rested on Rosekit first. "Rosekit, come forward."

She shivered, suddenly not so willing to stand in front of the entire Clan. But Adderstar beckoned her warmly with his tail, sending a much-needed surge of confidence flowing through her.

As calmly as she could, Rosekit stood and padded forward to stand in front of Adderstar. Her fur prickled with the knowledge that every cat's stare was trained on her.

"From this moment you will be known as Rosepaw," Adderstar meowed. Then he looked into the crowd, and his eyes fixed on a reddish-brown tom with pale amber eyes. "Pineclaw, you are a young but experienced warrior, and I trust you to pass on your skills to your new apprentice."

Pineclaw trotted out of the throng of cats to meet Rosepaw. His eyes sparked with pride as he leaned down to touch noses with his new apprentice. It occurred to Rosepaw that she must be his very first apprentice.

"Don't be nervous," Pineclaw murmured. "You'll be just fine with me!"

Rosepaw felt herself relax. She liked her mentor already. She thanked StarClan she didn't have some boring, solemn warrior for a mentor.

Rosepaw followed Pineclaw to the edge of the crowd. Rosepaw remembered with a pang of sadness that Dawnkit was next—but she wasn't going to be a warrior apprentice.

"Dawnkit, it's your turn," Adderstar mewed, beckoning the kit forward. Dawnkit obediently walked up to the Clan leader.

"Dawnkit has chosen a special path in the Clan," Adderstar meowed. "She is going to be a medicine cat apprentice."

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