Chapter 21

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"Put your claws away! StarClan does not want this!"

One screech sounded above all of the commotion. The entire clearing silenced in a few moments, and every gaze turned to where the medicine cats were sitting.

It took Dawnpaw several heartbeats before she registered the voice as her own.

She was trembling, but found that her voice was clear and icy as she continued. "At this point it doesn't matter who broke the code that day. You are all about to break the code right now! It is not StarClan's will for blood to be spilled at a Gathering, and it never has been. But all of you are so consumed with your own anger and indignation, that you fail to see the problem that is right in front of your noses!"

Dawnpaw felt confidence surging through her veins when she realized that she had caught every cat's attention. Even the leaders were watching her with unconcealed interest. She found that her words came as easily as if they were instinctive.

"Leaf-bare is only a couple moons away, and yet all you can think about is war with another Clan! This is the time when peace is needed the most between the Clans. We should be focusing on preparing ourselves for the cold seasons to come, instead of preparing insults and challenges to throw carelessly at each other. If you keep on like this, so many cats will be injured that there won't be enough warriors for hunting! We'll all starve to death!"

Dawnpaw paused for a quick breath, and then finished briskly, "Sheathe your claws and shut your mouths. StarClan would not want conflict at a Gathering, and the four living Clans should not want to starve while fighting pointless battles."

She was acutely aware of every cat's shock, flowing over her in waves. They probably didn't expect an apprentice to address a Gathering like they were a bunch of newborn kits. I'm as surprised as they are.

As if reading her thoughts, some cat hissed, "You're only an apprentice. What gives you the right to speak to us like that?"

Dawnpaw managed to pinpoint the cat who had spoken—a white-and-brown tom that sat among FireClan—and met his eyes boldly, without flinching.

"I'm a medicine cat. My loyalties stretch beyond Clan boundaries, and StarClan speak through me. If I believe that the code they have laid down for warriors is being challenged, I rise to the challenge. And if I believe that the health of my Clan is being threatened, then I do everything I can to make sure they are protected and safe. If that means stopping a battle from breaking out at a Gathering, then so be it."

The cat who had spoken up ducked his head with embarrassment and did not respond.

Dawnpaw took a deep breath to keep herself steady and scanned the crowd. I stopped the fight, thank StarClan...but what happens now? My fur is itching from all these cats staring at me.

She felt a brief surge of gratitude as Grayleaf padded up to stand beside her. "What Dawnpaw says is true and reasonable," she rasped. "We must not fight among ourselves while greater problems are arising."

"Yes, keep the peace!" Pineshadow pleaded.

"Keep the peace!" Leafstripe and Palefeather joined in.

"The medicine cats have spoken," Adderstar called. "Will we respect their judgement?" His eyes flicked between SunClan and FireClan, addressing them as a whole.

One by one, every cat nodded reluctantly. Dawnpaw realized she was holding her breath, and released it with a sigh of pure relief. I can hardly believe what we just did! Pride coursed through her as she added to herself, I can hardly believe what I just did.

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