Chapter 1

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Rosekit lashed her tail with anticipation, peering at her target through a thick shield of mint leaves. She was hiding in the mint bush that grew up against the camp wall farthest from the camp entrance, knowing the strong scent would hide her own. And for all the leaves on the bush, the little she-kit could still easily slip through all of them.

She wriggled her haunches in excitement, waiting for just the right moment to pounce on her target. It was crouched on the dusty ground, gazing at a clump of leaves wet with morning dew. It had no idea Rosekit was merely tail-lengths away.


Drawing her weight into her hind legs, Rosekit shrank back, then sprang with enough force to launch herself right out of the bush and square onto her target's back.

"What in the—woah! Rosekit! Get off me, you great lump!"

Rosekit purred with laughter—her target had been her sister, Dawnkit, who obviously had no clue she had been in the mint bush the whole time. She scrambled off her sister's back and watched her shake the dust from her cream-colored fur.

"Surprised you, didn't I?" Rosekit mewed smugly.

"What did it sound like?" Dawnkit rolled her eyes good-humoredly. "I'm sure half the Clan will be racing over, wondering what happened."

Rosekit purred again. "What are you doing anyway, staring at those leaves? I don't see any beetles to catch over here."

Dawnkit shrugged. "The dew always sparkles as the sun rises. It's really pretty, so I like to watch the colors some mornings."

Rosekit gave her littermate a weird look. "Alright," she replied. "I'll be the greatest warrior SunClan has ever seen, and you can stay over here leaf-gazing." She grunted, trying to mimic the elders on their grumpy days. "Lazy furball."

"I'll show you lazy!" Dawnkit cuffed her sister around the ear, then took Rosekit by surprise by springing at her with all four paws outstretched. The pair wrestled playfully, rolling over each other and sending up clouds of dust in their wake.

Suddenly the kits crashed right into something, sending them flying apart. Rosekit stumbled to her paws, looked up, and found herself staring straight into the eyes of her father, Quickstorm.

Thank StarClan it wasn't any other cat, Rosekit thought with relief. They would've made crowfood of us!

Quickstorm was a lean light brown tabby with long legs and big golden eyes that caught the sun's rays in their depths. He looked sternly down at Rosekit and Dawnkit, though Rosekit thought she could see traces of amusement in his eyes.

"Be careful!" he meowed. "You'll be apprentices soon, and no cat will want to be your mentor if you get under every cat's paws."

Rosekit gave her chest a few embarrassed licks, while Dawnkit muttered, "Sorry, Quickstorm."

"Oh, don't be too hard on them." The sisters brightened at the mew of Patchflower, their mother and Quickstorm's beloved mate. Her long tortoiseshell-and-white fur rippled in the wind, and her brilliant green eyes were warm.

"Most kits are bundles of energy when they're nearly six moons," the queen reasoned. She flicked her tail over her kits' ears, adding, "These two aren't much different."

"Yes, soon you'll be putting your energy into becoming outstanding warriors!" Quickstorm purred eagerly.

Rosekit imagined endless hunting patrols with her fellow Clanmates by her side; fighting as a Clan to defend her territory from any threat; Gatherings and meeting cats from the different Clans. How exciting the warrior life would be! She gave a little bounce at the thought of it.

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