Coming Home...

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A/N: I really hope you al enjoy this story, here's another update! This one is longer than normal, but it's very fast moving. Just kinda wrote this out of boredom and it might not be any good right now, I'll probably edit it another time but I feel like this one is long overdue for an update. Enjoy!

Evelyn rushed to Chester's other side as he began to stir. He groaned, squinting as the bright light stung his eyes.

"Chester! You're okay?" Evelyn spoke to him, hoping he'd hear her and respond.

"Ahh! Yes, I'm fine." Chester said before opening his eyes, he must've thought Evelyn was a nurse or something, because for a moment he didn't know who she was. He tried to move, then winced in pain.

"Ches, don't move. You'll hurt yourself." Evelyn put her hand to his bandaged shoulder, trying to steady him.

"What happened?" He managed. Chester looked to his shoulder, horrified seeing it all bandaged up like that.

"Y-you were shot... I'm so sorry Chester!" Evelyn wailed, covering her face with her hands.

"Sorry for what?" His mind was still a bit hazy from the amount of pain medication he was given.

Before Evelyn could reply, one of the nurses burst into the room. "Hourly checkup." She said before making her way to the other man in the room and checking his vitals. "Oh! He's awake!" She smiled as she finished checking on the now sleeping man and strode toward Chester to check on him.

"He seems to be doing fine, are you okay?" She asked, taking notice of  Evelyn's shaking body.

"Y-yeah, I-I'm fine." She stammered, looking up towards the nurse.

"Okay, well there's therapy offered for family of patients if you need it, just let me or Gloria at the front desk know. Chester seems to be doing alright, he's lucky the bullet didn't cause extensive damage to his arm. He should be able to heal up soon, I'll have one of the doctors come in here to confirm." The nurse smiled.

"Thank you." Evelyn was relieved. She didn't want to harm Chester in any way, yet she believed that what happened with Aaron was her fault. If she hadn't gone outside none of this would've happened.

"I'll have one of the doctors in here momentarily." The nurse said before leaving the room.

About ten minutes later, the same doctor from earlier walked inside. "So, he's awake now? You guys didn't wake him up, right?" The doctor asked.

"No, he woke up on his own." Evelyn replied. Did he wake up on his own? What if he heard her conversation with the other man in the room? What if that woke him up? What if he wouldn't be okay? Did she make it worse-

"He's stable, that's good. In surgery we were able to keep mostly everything intact, there shouldn't be any damaged nerves or anything too bad, his arm should be able to function normally after a few weeks. It'll leave a nasty scar though." The doctor informed.

"Awesome!" Chester nearly shouted. "I love scars, they always give me an interesting story to tell!" He exclaimed.

"Well you seem very excited." The stoic doctor smirked at him. "You should rest a lot more, but I pulled up your records and you seem to injure yourself a lot, Mr Bennington, and I don't think you'll be taking my advice. I'm gonna keep you in here for the rest of the night, so you can get some rest. Then you can be on your way. Just don't injure yourself too much, kid." The doctor left the room shortly after, and Chester wore a huge smile.

"I wanted to wait until you were awake to ask, did you want me to call Mike? Or anyone else? I wasn't sure..." Evelyn began.

"Yeah, I'll text him." Chester pulled his phone off of the table near his bed and typed up a message to Mike. Right before hitting send, Evelyn disrupted him.

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