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Chester woke up with a pounding headache. He didn't even notice that half of his bed was occupied by his guest when he climbed out of bed to grab an aspirin.

After taking the small pill, he noticed the state his place was in, seeing bottles everywhere, he and the band must've had some fun. He couldn't remember any of it. Noticing that the couch was empty, a small blush crept onto his cheeks. He enjoyed having Evelyn in his home, but he wouldn't admit just how much.

Silently creeping into his bedroom, he grabbed some clothes to change into for the day. Evelyn was now sprawled out on his bed, her reddish blonde hair sticking out in several directions. She looked comfortable, so Chester decided to leave her be.

He quickly changed into his clothes and walked back into the kitchen, where a small clock was on the wall. Chester nearly screamed when he realized how late it was, almost noon.

He decided he'd meet his friends, his bandmates, in the studio with some label people to talk about their album. Finding a random piece of paper and a pen, he scribbled down a note for Evelyn and rushed out.

"Hey Chaz! You excited?" Mike playfully shoved him as he caught up to his friend.

"Yeah, this is gonna be awesome." Chester smiled as the two walked into the studio. Everyone else in the band was there, sitting and standing near the mixer.

"The guy should be here in a few minutes, Chaz, you okay?" Rob asked, noticing dark bags under Chester's eyes.

"Yeah I'm good, just had a little too much to drink last night." He admitted, bowing his head in shame.

"You've gotta stop doing that so much, man." Brad piped in, knowing that Chester might blow up at him.

"You know what, Brad?" Chester mocked the man, raising his voice.

"Hey, Chester, chill." Mike stepped in between the two. "We can talk about this later, okay?"

"You're right, I want to quit but it's just... hard." Chester said quietly, scratching the back of his neck. Brad rolled his eyes, but before he could reply, the studio door opened and Chester sighed in relief knowing he'd gotten away from the conversation.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ben. No need to introduce yourselves, I'm familiar. Let's talk about Hybrid Theory, eh?" A tall man spoke as he entered the room full of seemingly immature men.

"Oh, yes, I have some ideas!" Mike sprang from his seat in excitement.

"I was thinking, someone should do something funny, a gimmick of some type, onstage." Ben took a seat as he looked around the room full of puzzled men. "Like Joe, for instance. Maybe you should have some sort of chemistry set onstage, so you're like a scientist or something. Or maybe you could all kick off your shoes at the end of each performance!"

"What the fuck, no?" Chester spat, confused at the man's words.

"Yeah what?" Mike added.

"I've worked with many bands, I know what sells." Ben spat, clearly irritated with his job. "You need something to make you look... cool."

"Ouch?" Mike responded, also growing irritated. Who does the guy think he is? Walking in here like he can control our band?

"You know what?! Fine, whatever. Let's pick out tour dates." Ben sighed, grabbing a notebook and pen.

Evelyn woke up in Chester's bed, but she was alone. The sun blinded her temporarily as she stretched and pulled the white duvet off of her thin frame.

Rubbing her eyes, she walked into the kitchen, fully expecting Chester to be out there somewhere, doing god knows whatever. She was met with nothing but a few empty bottles in the living room. Sighing, Evelyn threw them away. "Chester?"

Savior: A Chester Bennington FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now