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Hiii! As per request in the comments, I'm updating this story again! Sorry it's been a bit but I didn't know how to continue this story.

"Chester..." Evelyn sighed. That kiss was magical, but she was unsure how things would go from there.

"Evelyn." He replied back, his face still inches away from hers. She could feel his hot breath fanning on her face, but it wasn't bothersome. In fact, it was kinda nice. She'd never been in such close proximity to someone as she was right then.

"Kiss me again." She felt a surge of confidence rise in her. Chester obliged, and the two kissed with fervent need.

Their kiss was interrupted by a knock on the front door. Chester groaned as he reluctantly walked away to answer it.

Mike stood on the front porch, notebook in hand. Chester glared at him for a moment before he eased up. "Sorry, did I interrupt something?" He asked. Chester shook his head no and moved aside for Mike to come in. "I figured we could chat about the tour since we didn't get much accomplished today." Mike suggested, and the two sat at his table. Evelyn sat on the couch and turned on the TV.

"I was thinking we could maybe just perform like we usually do. Like we did before we got signed. The street team seemed to really like us, so I think we should stick with what we've got." Chester pitched.

"I agree. I mean, we're already pretty chaotic onstage, jumping around and all that. All the guys agree we should stick to our own thing." Mike added.

"Yeah. God I can't believe we are supposed to go on tour next week."

"Yeah, it's insane. By the way, you and Evelyn are all over the news. People saw you two together at the mall."

"Of course they did." Chester facepalmed. Evelyn heard this.

Does he not want to be seen with me? She thought to herself. Of course he wouldn't. I'm just a girl that has no relevance to his life or him whatsoever.

"They're gonna start doing that a lot more, Ches. We're getting big now." Mike warned.

"I know, I just hate how they have to invade our privacy to report on our lives." Chester sighed, laying his head on the table.

"Privacy? Ches we aren't gonna have much of that anymore." Mike laughed. But he understood Chester's point.

"I know, Mike." He shook his head. "So, is the tour bus ready yet? Or are they still working on it?"

"I'm not sure, Chaz." Mike ruffled his hair. Chester considered Mike to be his best friend.

"Are you bringing anyone with on the tour?" Chester asked.

"Actually, yeah! I met a girl awhile ago named Anna, I think you all would like her. I want her to come with. Are you?"

"I don't know." Chester admitted, scratching his neck.

"What did you make for dinner? It smells good in here." Mike changed the subject.

"Oh, actually Evelyn made some Alfredo! Chester smiled, glancing at the girl who was curled up on the couch. "You can have some if you want."

"Thanks." Mike took a plate and scooped some of the pasta onto it, then he popped it in the microwave. "Sup Ev?"

"Hey." Evelyn replied sullenly. She was trying to pay attention to the TV but couldn't.

Mike hung out for a while longer, the three of them sat in the living room just chatting away. After he left, Chester popped in a movie and Evelyn laid her head on his shoulder. He didn't mind.

She eventually fell asleep on him, so he carried her to his room and set her down on the bed. He disappeared into his closet and emerged a moment later, wearing plaid pants and no shirt. He pulled Evelyn into his embrace and he fell asleep with her on his mind.

Evelyn woke up with the sun temporarily blinding her. As her eyes adjusted, she saw two flamed arms wrapped around her waist. She smiled to herself as she realized she felt his chest steadily rising and lowering with his breath. He was snoring, but it wasn't very loud, so it wasn't bothersome. She decided to stay there with him until she woke up, so she shut her eyes and lay there, thinking.

Eventually he stirred, smiling to himself. I could get used to this. He thought, as Evelyn rolled around to face him. He pulled her closer to him, and the two just laid there, staring into each other's eyes. He went to kiss her, but she denied him.

"Not right now, I've got morning breath." She whispered, climbing out of the bed and heading into the bathroom. Chester bought her a toothbrush awhile ago, after it was decided that she'd stay with him. She brushed her teeth quickly, then returned to his room, kissing him passionately.

He kissed her back, before getting up and getting ready. Today he was going to check out the tour bus and it was already nine.

"Do you want to come with?" He asked, slipping on his shoes.

"Uhh, sure?" She was surprised at the invitation but agreed nonetheless.

"Wow, this is amazing! Chester exclaimed. It was a tour bus alright, but it had been renovated for the band to take on their tour. There was a driver seat and behind the seat was a large table with booth seating for all of them. Across from that was a small kitchen, and behind that was a wall where they kept the bunks. Each person had a double bed and a drawer. They could each take one person with them. Mike brought Anna to meet everyone else and they all seemed to like her. Phoenix brought his girlfriend, and so did Rob. Brad and Joe weren't going to bring anyone, and Chester was unsure.

He contemplated taking Evelyn along, but questioned if she'd want to join him on a tour. He wondered why she even stayed with him for so long, because they still barely knew each other. He didn't allow himself to trust people easily, and he wasn't about to make an exception.

After that stop at the tour bus, Chester and Evelyn decided to go out to eat. They stopped at a small restaurant off the coast of LA. Evelyn finished early and decided to wait outside for a minute to just enjoy the sunset.

She suddenly got a bad gut feeling and started to head inside, but before she could someone yelled for her. "HEY!"

Evelyn whipped around and made eye contact with the person she wanted to see least of all. Aaron. "You get around fast, don't you?!" He grabbed Evelyn's wrist and pulled her away from the restaurant.


Savior: A Chester Bennington FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now