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I spent the rest of the day playing Mario Kart with Chester. He won, Every. Single. Time.

"Heyyyy! That's not fair!" I squealed as I caught him watching my side of the screen as he raced past me. He smirked and kept driving. I gave him puppy eyes, which distracted him as I crossed the finish line.

"HAHAAA! EVELYN WINSSS!" I jumped up, completely catching Chester by surprise.

"Who cares, I still won more than you." Chester fake pouted.

"Dude you sound like a five year old." I retorted, as he shut off his TV. It was completely silent, and soon we were both bored out of our minds.

As we sat there in complete silence, I began thinking about my family. I missed my older sister, whom was working all the time, and a new mom, so I haven't seen her in months.

I grabbed Chester's phone and checked the date, October 25th, my mom's birthday. Surely everyone will be home, and hopefully I could go and see them.

Chester stared at me with a puzzled expression as he noticed me deep in thought. Tapping on my shoulder, he asked me what was up and I suggested that I go visit my family. He agreed, and soon we were on our way to the store to grab my mom a card.

"Wow, this is a really nice neighborhood!" Chester exclaimed, eyes wide as he looked around. There were lots of trees, which were yellowing and shedding their leaves. All of the homes were nice, at least on the outside, and the place was just a welcoming atmosphere.

"Thanks, I guess. I don't live out here though." I replied, as Chester pulled toward my mother's house.

"See you later, when should I pick you up?" He asked.

"Eight." I told him, climbing out of the passenger seat as he waved to me.

I opened the door to a strong scent of apples and cinnamon. My mom was one for sweet scents. I heard a few familiar voices from the kitchen, all of which immediately quieted as I enter the room.

Everyone hugged me, and I'll admit, it was nice to be around my family again, even if it's just for a few hours. My mother had tears in her eyes as she caught sight of me.

"How's Aaron?" My sister, Stella asked as she stirred the crockpot full of pork. My family loved pork.

The entire room went quiet again, as I bit my bottom lip in nervousness. "Um, we're... not together." I replied, staring down at the floor.

"Oh, what happened?" My mom asked. At the same time Stella grinned.

"Honestly, thank god he's gone." She sighed in relief. I nodded in agreement with her.

"So, where are you staying now?" Mom asked, her state boring into my head.

"I've actually been staying with a friend, his name is Chester." I explained to Mom, who seemed intrigued to meet him.

"Ooooh! Does my lil sis have a boyfriend?" Stella asked, smirking.

I felt my cheeks burn as I hid in embarrassment. "No, he's not my boyfriend."

Chester drove around the neighborhood for awhile, admiring the scenery and listening to Stone Temple Pilots. He had nothing to do, so he went over to Mike's.

"Chester? What's up?" Mike asked, inviting him inside.

"Not much, just bored." He replied as they both sat in the living room. Things were always more entertaining when he was with Mike, the two could goof around for hours, joking around or talking in strange voices.

Anna eventually joined the two, and they all decided to binge watch some movies.

Sorry this is getting so short, I'm running out of ideas. I have some but I need filler content before I can write them. Thanks to everyone who reads this, it means a lot to me!

Savior: A Chester Bennington FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now