Ray of Sunshine? Part 1

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Chester woke up early, as usual, but today he was rummaging through his belongings, packing for tour. Evelyn was still zonked, sprawled out over the bed.

It wasn't even six am yet, but Chester was excited. It would be his first actual tour, and he wanted to make sure he was ready. The sky wasn't even light yet, but he'd already downed an entire cup of coffee, which had given him a burst of energy.

"Mmm, what are you doing?" Evelyn groggily asked, rubbing her eyes as she slowly sat up.

"Nothing, just getting ready." Chester replied, folding a shirt and neatly packing it into a large suitcase.

"At..." Evelyn looked over at the clock on Chester's nightstand, "5:30 in the morning?"

"I'm a morning person, what can I say?" Chester smirked, tossing a shirt at the girl from across the room.

"Ew! Gross, man cooties!" She joked in an animated tone.

"Oh, not fair, cooties?" Chester acted offended.

"Mhm, cooties." Evelyn stood up, propping herself on the wall to try to gain her balance.

"Really, hm? Oh I'll show you cooties." Chester tossed the shirt he was folding into the suitcase and charged toward the blonde, easily towering over her small frame.

Evelyn swallowed, staring up into Chester's eyes. They both seemed to get lost in each other for a moment, until Chester flashed a childish smile and attacked the girl with tickles, causing her to fall back onto the bed. He climbed on top and began attacking her ribs, being careful of his injury.

"AAAH! CHESTER! THAT TICKLES! NOT MY RIBS!" Evelyn squealed, but her pleas only egged him on.

"Hmmm, do I still have cooties?" He asked, not stopping for a moment to hear her answer.

"Hah, yes!" She dared.

"That's it." Chester began tickling her even more.

"Ches! Ahah, seriously! Stop!" She begged through laughter, as Chester's tickles became even more intense.

Chester only stopped when his lips merged with Evelyn's soft ones, the familiar feeling of their contact sending waves of electricity through the both of them.

The gentle kiss eventually turned into one filled with passion and need. Chester held Evelyn's face in his hands, tongue demanding entrance. Once granted, it became a battle between the two, tongues dancing together as Chester tore off his shirt with ease. Evelyn's eyes went wide as she examined his body, his toned abs flexing as Chester's fingers reached the hem of Evelyn's oversized top.

"Like what you see?" He smirked, gliding Evelyn's shirt off of her thin frame. He nearly gasped at the sight of her exposed body. Evelyn always wore his shirts, so he couldn't really see all that there was beneath them.  He felt a certain... tightness in his pants as a loud knock erupted from the front door.

"Should we get that?" Evelyn asked.

"Nah, it can wait." Chester reached behind the girl as his big fingers smoothly unclasped her bra, but the knocking was persistent, and getting louder.

"Fuck!" Chester howled. "Can you answer that? I have a, um... problem." Chester backed away from the girl, who knew instantly what he meant, smirking devilishly as she re-fastened her bra and stood up to find her shirt, which Chester had thrown across the room.

"I got it, go take care of your... problem." Evelyn laughed at an embarrassed Chester as he skimped into the bathroom.

Evelyn slipped her shirt back on and walked to the door, unlocking it. Whoever was on the other side was clearly about to break it down.

Savior: A Chester Bennington FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now