Stranger Danger

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"Oh my gosh! Is that Chester Bennington?!" A loud girl squealed, catching the attention of practically the entire mall.

"Shit shit shit shit let's go!" Chester whisper-yelled, grabbing my wrist and pulling me away.

"What's going on?" I whisper-yelled back, looking behind him, seeing a group of girls running after us.

Chester didn't respond, surprised by the fact that he'd been recognized by random people. We ran out of the mall, jumping into his car. Only then did I realize that I forgot the rest of my cinnamon roll.

Chester sped away, flipping up his phone and dialing one of his friends. "Hey Mike, anything weird happen to you lately?" Chester panicked, hoping that his album was finally recognized after pouring out his heart and soul into it.

I couldn't hear the other person on the phone, so I sat in the passenger seat, trying to calm myself down since the situation made me extremely anxious. I was completely confused, since I hardly knew anything about Chester's band, or anything about him at all.

He distracted me from my thoughts, pulling into the parking lot of a building called NRG Studios. "Stay here." He practically jumped out of the car, forgetting to turn it off. I flipped on the radio, hearing a song that I knew was familiar: Crawling, by Linkin Park.

Then it hit me. It all made sense, Chester was in this band!

I looked out the driver window, seeing him excitedly talking to one of his friends, probably Mike. I couldn't read their expressions, but whatever happened, it was good.

I hummed the song to myself, waiting for Chester to come back. When he opened the door, all the color drained from his face, leaving him pale as a ghost.

"You good?" I asked him. He slipped back into the seat, then looked directly at me.

"My album, Hybrid Theory, what you're listening to right now, just went national." Chester tried to keep a calm face but I could feel excitement radiating off of him.

"Wow, that's awesome!" I smiled at him. "Congrats!"

"Thank you, god I'm so overwhelmed. Mike's throwing a party to celebrate, wanna come?"

My face fell. The last time I'd been to a party, it was with Aaron, and it didn't end well. He got drunk, so did I. The memories of that night made me shudder.

Chester took notice of this. "Hey, come on, you can hang out with me and my friends. What's wrong, have you never been to a party?" I could see the sadness in his eyes, making it harder to resist the invitation.

"No, I have." I solemnly replied, hanging my head low as the memories kept replaying in my head.

"Come on, babe, it's just one drink!" Aaron begged, grabbing my hand and leading me to the kitchen, where a keg sat atop the countertops.

"No, I really don't want t-" I tried, but my words were ignored. Aaron thrust a red solo cup into my hand, forcing me to take it. I felt his burning gaze, and gave in to the pressure.

The liquid burned in my throat, but I chugged it anyway. It was my first time drinking alcohol. Aaron ended up having several cups.

In about thirty minutes, he was completely wasted. And so was I. At some point, he abandoned me, but I was too busy laughing to myself as the effects of the alcohol warped my mind.

I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist, and I thought it was Aaron, but I was wrong. "You alone tonight?" A husky voice asked. I tried to move, but the grip around me got tighter. "Don't say anything." The voice growled. Then, I was picked up and dragged upstairs, as I kicked my feet in protest. I was wasted, but not enough to not know what was about to happen.

After that man was finished with his deed, he thankfully left. I crammed myself into the corner of the bedroom, and sobbed.

After awhile, the effects of the alcohol wore off, and I was ready to leave. Finding the courage to stand, after what felt like hours, my legs wobbled. It was hard to walk, but I was determined to get out. Searching for Aaron, I was unlucky looking through the crowds of people downstairs. Growing more upset by the second, I raced back upstairs and burst open the doors, hoping to find someone, anyone familiar.

What I saw in one of those rooms, broke me even further. It was Aaron, and some random blonde girl, entangled together.

As if my world hadn't already been shaken enough, the visions of that night never left my mind. What was even more stupid of me than drinking that night, was forgiving Aaron the next day. I forgave him! Who forgives someone that quickly after something that devastating?

I forgave him, blaming it on the fact that he was drunk. I never mentioned the other happenings of that night, but I wanted to die. I was fed up, but too naive to see the real problem.

Spending that time in the hospital helped me build strong walls around my heart, and I swore never to love again.

"It's okay if you don't wanna come, but you're most certainly invited." Chester's voice quavered, and he had a sad expression on his face.

It's okay to go if I don't drink though, right? I thought to myself. I mean, Chester had been nothing but nice to me since he saw what happened with me and Aaron yesterday, and I couldn't just not take his invitation to celebrate his album going national. "I guess I'll go." I mumbled.

"Are you sure?" Chester asked, excitement seeping through his voice.

I just nodded my head in response.

"Alright, let's GOOOO!" Chester shot his fist in the air in excitement.

I laughed to myself and we drove back to Chester's condo.

In the bathroom, I tried to get ready for the party. I was never one to have insecurities with myself or my body, so it was a completely strange feeling when I looked in the mirror and saw how horrible I look.

I tied my auburn hair into a high ponytail and searched Chester's bathroom for something, anything to make me look a bit better. In his medicine cabinet, I saw an entire makeup bag, probably left over from another woman. A strange feeling washed over me, and I was wondering how long it would be until Chester got bored of having me around.

I searched through the makeup, realizing that the foundation was a few shades too dark for me, so I ended up not using it. Discarding the used mascara and eyeliner, I just opened a tube of lipstick that didn't look used and swiped it across my lips. Thankfully, the concealer was a perfect match, so I covered up my huge, dark eye bags. Feeling satisfied, I left the bathroom and sat on the couch, waiting for Chester to get ready.

As soon as he walked out of his bedroom, donning a new outfit, I couldn't stop myself from staring. He was dressed head to toe in black, wearing a black v neck shirt and some ripped jeans, with a chain attached to his left side. His hair was spiked up, he looked good.

Little did I know, Chester was staring at me too.

I felt my cheeks burning up in embarrassment as I looked away. "Ready to go?" He asked, opening his front door and locking it behind us.

Savior: A Chester Bennington FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now