Hospital Stays and Lonely Days

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After sitting with Chester for a few minutes alone, Dylan came back inside to check up on his friend. Evelyn sat there, squeezing his hand. She glanced up with her tear stained face and smiled at him as he pulled up another chair and joined the two.

"You got yourself a pretty attractive mans." Dylan joked.

"Oh shush." Evelyn playfully slapped him. She didn't disagree with her friend, because even as Chester lay there, asleep in a hospital bed, he was still the most beautiful human being Evelyn laid eyes on.

The sun was setting, but the sun's rays still illuminated his face, along with the pink hue of the sky. Evelyn had to admit that he looked peaceful and beautiful. She wondered what he was dreaming of. 

"He looks so peaceful." Evelyn muttered, caressing his cheek. She'd never seen him like this, so at ease. Well, she'd only known him for a bit, so there was still a lot to learn about him, but she knew that the few days she'd spent with him so far were the best in her life. She hoped Chester wouldn't hate her after all this, but she'd understand if he did. Because of her, he'd been dragged into his mess and he'd taken the bullet from Aaron.

Right then and there, Evelyn swore to never stay with a man like Aaron again. She couldn't do that to herself, she couldn't do that to everyone around her. She'd sacrificed so much for Aaron, she'd regretted it all. As she sat there, her thoughts travelled back to then.

"I don't know..." High school age Evelyn questioned. She'd just been asked to move in with her new boyfriend, Aaron, but she would have to leave her parents, and she wasn't quite ready for that yet.

"Come on, it would be so fun! Think about it, you and me, together all the time. No rules, no parents, just us." He tried to convince her to move into his new apartment.

"But my parents will never allow that." Evelyn cried.

"So?" We can sneak out, you could run away."'

"I'm not going to run away." She snapped. "I don't think I'm ready for this yet."

"Well it's either me, or your boring life with your parents. Make your choice, now."

She ended up choosing Aaron, and fought with her parents over that for hours. Eventually, she slammed the front door and they hadn't communicated for years, until one day she reached out.

Tears came to Evelyn's eyes as she remembered how much of a fool she was back then. She'd probably be much better off now if she had met Chester then. What did he look like back then? She thought, and now that would bug her until she got an answer. She decided she'd ask him about it when he woke up.

Suddenly, he jolted awake, but he wasn't quite there. He began thrashing around, screaming and alerting all of the people in the area. He let out a few ear piercing screams as he gripped onto Evelyn's hand, pulling her forward.

"I told you not to wake him up!" The doctor from earlier grumbled as she studied Chester.

He now sat up, a wild look in his eyes, breathing heavily. He still held a firm grip on Evelyn's hand as he tried to assess what was happening.

"I didn't..." Evelyn began but the doctor shrugged her off and checked his vitals.

"He seems to be doing fine." She turned to Chester and tried to comfort him. "Lay down, you're gonna strain your shoulder."

At the mention of his shoulder, Chester looked down and panicked when he saw it bandaged up. He tried to talk but ended up stuttering and blubbering.

"The effects of his anesthesia still haven't worn off. He still needs to sleep, what happened in here?" The doctor finally asked, a frustrated look upon her face.

Evelyn explained what happened as Chester continued to blab.

"Okay, well someone needs to stay in here with him then. Visiting hours are almost up but one of you can stay with him. Please don't wake him up, and press the red button if something happens. It alerts the nurses." The doctor explained, pointing to a red button on the left side of Chester's bed. She left, and Chester finally let go of her hand.

"I'm not leaving you." Evelyn grabbed his hand again, slightly massaging it with her thumb as she sat with him.

Dylan left after visiting hours were over, and Evelyn was grateful for all he'd done to help, yet also glad to have time alone with the singer. Would be even be able to go on tour?

She was sad for him. So sad. What if his career was over? What if his shoulder was so damaged that he couldn't move it the same way? What if-

Her thoughts were interrupted as the man on the other side of the room began to speak.

"Y'know, I think he appreciates that you're here with him." She could hear that this man was crying. "I just wish my family could be here with me." He was bawling now.

Evelyn let go of Chester's hand momentarily to go speak to the man. Even though she didn't know him, she knew that he was also going through a rough patch. It sucked to be all alone in the hospital, and she'd known that from experience.

She pulled the curtain toward the wall so that she could see them both. She pulled up a chair near Chester's bed and grabbed his right hand, as she spoke to the man on the other side of the room.

After awhile, Chester woke up again.

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