Chapter 12 - Unexpected Turn of Events

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Mandys P.O.V

I woke up in those familiar muscular arms. All I can remember from last night was him he was in my dreams. But that doesn't explain how I got here. I wiggled around so I was facing the person with the muscly arms, Carter. I remember having the weirdest dream about him last night. I was in his arms and then he set me down gave me a small kiss on the forehead, and then one on the lips because he thought I was asleep. But I'm pretty sure it was just a dream, right?

I looked over and saw him sleeping he looked so peaceful, I tried to reach my hand up but it was stuck, I tried to wiggle out of his arms, but they just tightened. looked back at him and saw his lip quirk up, the bastard was awake.

"You're enjoying this aren't you?" I asked he didn't respond " Please let me up Carter, I kind of have to pee, and I know you're awake," I added he still didn't budge "Come on I'll do whatever you want," I said and his eyes popped open.

" Anything?" he asked in an unbelieving tone.

"Not like that, perv. " I said blushing a bit "But really let me up."

"OK if you do one thing for me," he said.

" What is it?" I asked.

" Kiss me," he stated, still hovering over top of me pinning my arms down.

"Go ahead," I say waiting for him to bend down and just kiss me.

"No you have to kiss me, then you are free to go,".

I'm not sure if I should kiss him or not. I guess a pros and cons list is how I will solve this: 

Cons-  I'm kind of afraid of getting hurt again even though Carter is a nice guy, I don't know if I can let myself love again. I'm afraid that if I put myself out there I'll let my walls down and be completely ambushed and torn apart again and I don't know if I can repair myself again. Especially when I'm still not fully healed yet from before.

Pros- I mean look at him, he's gorgeous and is a decent guy. Plus we have kissed before what's one more.

" Fuck it," I said and kissed him.

He released my arms and I turned him over so I could straddle him, and we started making out right there. At that moment I let my past be my past I left it behind and focused on the now. I tangled my hands in his soft hair and he put both his hands on either side of my waist. He asks for entrance with his tongue and I greedily accept letting him in. Our tongues fight for dominance, I put up a pretty good fight but as usual, he wins. I kept kissing never wanting this to stop until I heard someone clear their throat behind us.

I turn and look around to see Henry standing there with the same expression I had when I caught him and Elizabeth making out in his room. Did I mention they were both topless, thank god she had a bra on because I was honestly scarred for life. I shudder from that memory as Isaac comes from behind Henry.

" Awkward." Issac blurts out completely ruining the moment.

I turn to glare at Isaac before saying " How long have you been here?" I asked turning around so I was sitting up.

" I don't know but I'm not sticking around long enough to find out if you're a moaner or a screamer," he states with a smirk on his face.

All I could think was 'he really did not just say that did he' I felt my cheeks getting hot and probably turning red. He just had to make this awkward situation even more awkward.

"Oh he did, but he forgot to mention that if you are going to do the dirty, you might want to be in a less public area," Henry adds with a smile playing on his lips, I feel my cheeks deepen their color.

'wait did I just say that out loud'

" yes, yes you did," Isaac somewhat yells from where he's sitting.

"Why are guys so perverted?" I ask, more like a whine. I bury my head in Carter's neck until I feel that my blush is gone.

"Why are girls, such prudes?" Isaac says challenging me.

"Why do guys act like such dicks?" I say turning around, this time between Carter's legs. I shot Isaac my best glare because he was just starting a fight for no reason.

"Why do guys always have to act like the dominant ones huh?" I say raising my voice.

"It isn't an act we are the dominant one's princess." Isaac snaps at me. I flinch at the word princess that was 'his' pet name for me and I hate it hell I hate him.

"Don't call me that you asshole!" I say loudly my voice cracking a bit. Now Isaac and I are face to face yelling at each other. But in the back of my mind, I know I shouldn't take my anger out on him.

"Whatever you say, princess."

You know how I just said I shouldn't take out my anger on him, well I take that back. All I remember is my hand slapping him in the face, letting out a string of curses at him then walking away ignoring all the things he called me.

I ran out and into the girl's locker rooms. And just cried, sobbed actually. No one came looking for me and I was grateful for that. Henry knows that when I get really upset I hate when people see me cry, It shows weakness. The only people to ever see me cry were Kelly, Henry, and Ryan. The memories kept flashing in my head, and it just made me hate that name, even more, Princess.

I heard a doorknob being turned. I wiped my tears and looked up to see, the unexpected Isaac.

"What do you want?"

"To talk," he answers vaguely.

" about?" I ask getting impatient.

" look I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said what I said back there Mandy, I was a complete jerk, and I really am sorry I wish I could take it back," He rubs the back of his neck looking apologetic.

" I get it Isaac your sorry, I forgive you, you didn't know," I say the last part kind of quietly hoping he wouldn't hear.

"Thanks, Mandy." he says and hugs me "You're like the little sister I never wanted it's my job to pick on you but I can see I took it too far. I love you whether you like it or not," he said ruffling my hair.

"But why did you get so mad when I called you prin-.

"Don't, please just don't say it," I say barely above a whisper.

"Just tell me, Mandy, I won't judge you." he says and thinks for a moment "It's about that dickhead Ryan isn't it?" he asks me. I nod my head and a tear escapes my eye.

"You have to promise not to tell anyone not even Henry, he doesn't know the whole story promise?" I ask teary-eyed.

"Yeah munchkin I won't tell him, but you have to tell someone what happened keeping it bottled inside will just tear you apart."

" ok, it all started when I was 16 when I first laid eyes on him..."



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