Chapter 18 - The Fish Didn't Take The Bait

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"Uh, what are you guys looking at?" I asked getting a little nervous.

"No reason, a word m'lady?" Isaac says getting up and practically dragging me out of everyone's earshot.

"Sooo..." I said looking at him puzzled not knowing what he was talking about.

"Sooo, how long?" Isaac says.

"How long what?" I said looking back at him.

"Have you liked Carter?".

"How'd you know that, if I actually even liked him I mean?" I say looking anywhere but his eyes and unconsciously playing with the hem of my shirt.

"I can tell that you're lying munchkin, you can trust your good old pal, Isaac," he says putting his arm over my shoulder. I easily shrug it off and turn to face him.

"Shut up, you're an idiot," 

"Ah so I've been told, stop trying to change the subject it doesn't work on me now tell me how long?"

"I don't know Isaac why do you care?" I said exasperatedly. 

"Well because you're kind of like a little sister to me," he said.

"I'm older than you making me the older sister," I said, emphasizing older.

"You don't act or look like it lil sis," he says pinching my cheeks, I slap his hands away.

"Last time I'm asking or drastic measures will be taken, how long?" he asks again.

"I don't know, plus its none of your business." I say "And I'm older." I quickly add in.






"Isaac that doesn't work on me give it a rest we all know I'm older," I say smirking at him.

"Well then drastic situations call for drastic measures," he said smirking, and walked back to where everyone was now watching SpongeBob. Wow, that's really mature. Wait who am I kidding everyone loves SpongeBob.

"The fish didn't take the bait, I repeat the fish didn't take the bait," Isaac says and soon I see Henry and Derek all flee the room like it was on fire, followed by Isaac. Then he shut the door, and I heard something lock.

"ISSAC I SWEAR ON ALL THINGS HOLY IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW!" I screamed at him, well more like the door but eh, same thing.

"What will you do munchkin?" he asks innocently, I can just imagine the smirk on his face.

"You ass open the damn door! And wipe that smirk off your face," I said through the door.

"Hmm how about no," he replies.

"Henry, open the door please!" I say dragging out the y .

"You know they can't see your face right," Carter said from behind me making me jump, and he laughed.

"You know you're not helping right now," I turned and looked at him, he just smirked.

"Who says I wanted to get out of here, let alone help," and that is what sent my stomach into a frenzy of butterfly's that were going crazy. I wasn't even paying attention to what the guys were saying until I heard.

"Sorry no can do, we're all going back downstairs, have a nice night," he said suggestively, I could imagine him doing that weird thing with his eyebrows.

"Wait no don't go please open the door!" I say pleading with him.

"Have fun kiddos," Derek said" Not too much fun though," he said letting out a laugh. I could feel my cheeks heating up; I really should see a doctor about this honestly.

"A word of advice car, that it will be sweeter if you wrap up your peter," he said, and they all started laughing.

"Ugh shut up Isaac your gross!"

"No, but seriously Carter, house your noodle before you release your strudel," Derek says.

Ok, I have to admit that was funny I started laughing along with them.

"Okay guys you had your fun, now let us out," I said after we finished laughing.

"Nope we're leaving now, bye lovebirds," Isaac says.

"We are not lovebirds!" I say getting angry again.

"Nighty night," I heard Derek say and heard some footsteps walking away.

"YOU SUCK ISSAC!" I scream hoping he will hear me.

This was his only reply and I was left alone in a room, with Carter the guy who I had a huge crush on oh joy! Note the sarcasm*



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