Chapter 15 - Almost Broken Foot & Completly Broken Heart

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"Okay, so you have to clean it for maybe a week depending on how fast it heals and change the gauze. Also, don't put too much pressure on it when you walk ok?" Isaac said.

I just sat there in shock.

"That was the first time you've ever had a civil conversation with me where you haven't threatened, flirted, or cursed at me!" I said and gave him a hug he just stood there awkwardly not even embracing my hug.

"Well if you want me to go back to it?" he offered "What I really wanted to say was stop bitching about your foot it will be fine," he said sighing as if he was relieved to get that off his chest

"ah, there's the Isaac I know and somewhat love," I respond and pull out of the hug.

Soon the rest of the guys came in asking if I was okay. And once I convinced them I was fine they let it go and went back to whatever they were doing.

"You still have a story to tell me, meet me in the other locker room in five okay?" Isaac asked, more like told me.

I nodded weakly getting nervous about this but I knew I had to tell someone and Issac was going to be that someone. He left and I waited five minutes. I was about to go when I realized Henry needed to know too I couldn't keep hiding this from him. I go up to him and ask him to grab some supplies with me completely making it up.

So many thoughts were running through my head, and my anxiety was really kicking in. I feel safe talking to both of them I'm just nervous to talk to someone about this topic that I've shied away from for so long.

I bring Henry to the girl's locker room and he has a weird look on his face especially when he see's Isaac sitting there.

" This isn't some weird request for a threesome is it?" He asked making me smile lightly. 

I turn my back to him and sit down next to Issac taking a deep breath.

"What's going on?" He says once he notices the more serious vibe I'm giving off.

"Henry you know when I told you about Ryan?" I ask his fist clenched you can see the white of the knuckles now. This was a sore subject even for him and he didn't even know the full story.

"Yes," he said through gritted teeth.

'Well, I didn't tell you the whole story and I really need to get this off my chest." I said looking straight at him

"Why is he here then," he said sounding ruder than I think he meant to be.

"I told him the first part of the story you know that night I called you sobbing?" I asked he nodded "Well I'm going to continue from there and please don't be mad at me ok?" I asked.

He nodded silently for me to continue with the story, my story.

"Okay, Isaac listen up, remember when I said then I used my brain. Well, what I meant by that was I called Henry. I was in tears on the phone he said he would be here in 15 minutes tops. So I got dressed and then went out into the living room. Thankfully he was sleeping when I snuck out and got in the car with Henry. He asked me what happened and I said I would tell him when we got home because I didn't want to get into a car crash.  Once we got to my house up in my room, I started to explain but broke down before I could finish so I started taking my clothes off. He was freaked out at first but when I got down to my tank top and underwear I told him to look. He saw every bruise Ryan put there."

"I started to cry again, I've never cried that much in my life. Henry just held me and was there for me. All he knew was that Ryan hit me nothing more. But from that day on I haven't heard from him since you beat the living shit out of him." I said turning to Henry.

"Well what goes around comes around," Henry said.

I turned to Henry and was about to say something that would change how he looked at me forever. His sister. The innocent one, the nice friendly one, the one who always tells him everything and comes to him for help.

"That night when I called you I didn't tell you the full truth, you know when I said I got dressed and t-then went out t-to your car?" I asked holding back tears and waiting for a nod to go on. But instead, he reached out for my hand

"Whatever you say won't make me think of you any different Mandy I love you, and I don't want you to ever feel like you need to hide things from me I'm your best friend and brother you can trust me," he said.

"Okay then, well the r-reason I had to get dressed was because, when you dropped me off that day he was already mad that you dropped me off when he told me not to get rides from you anymore. He was going on about how If I loved him I would sleep with him. Hen I didn't want to I told him I wanted him to be sober for it and he just beat the absolute crap out of me. It hurt just to blink when he was done. H-he asked me again if I wanted him, it was either that or get beaten more. I had to say yes. H-he dragged me t-t-to his bed and laid me d-down and started, he s-s-started t-to uh." I started crying again I couldn't take it reliving it like this it brought all the pain back.

Henry was rubbing my back; he put me in his lap and was shushing me.

"It's okay just get it out baby, he said to me


"I know you want me as much as I need you, princess," he said as he dragged me to his bedroom.

I continue to sob as he drags me, feeling like a bag of bones. My whole body aches from the beating I just endured. 

"Please baby can we just wait until you're sober you'll remember everything so much better," I beg him crying and trying to pull against his heavy grip as much as possible.

He stops and turns around his hand firmly gripping my wrist which is sure to leave a bruise later. He slaps me in my face hard, making my ears ring. That metallic taste that I have become all too familiar with invades my mouth.

"What did I tell you about talking back princess, you are mine," He says his grip getting tighter "And tonight I plan on taking what's mine," his remark leaves me stunned. I yank my arm away from him begging him to let me go.

The next thing I know I'm held up against the wall with his hands wrapped around my neck making it hard for me to breathe. I claw against his strong hands.

"You are lucky to even be with me you f*cking tramp if you try and get away from me again you won't be awake for what is about to happen next," My eyes widen in fear halfway because I'm starting to see stars due to lack of oxygen and because of what he just said.

I become quiet almost succumbing to the numbness the lack of oxygen was bringing me. One thing kept going through my mind 'he is going to kill me' I could feel the life being sucked out of me. All of a sudden he lets go I slump down onto the floor coughing and spluttering gaining my breath back.

"Hopefully that will teach you not to talk back,"

He picks me up and brings me to his room, throwing me on his bed. I land face down and scramble to turn around But I feel his weight pressing down on top of me not letting me move. 


I remember every detail after that like it was burned into my brain. I don't think I will ever forget his eyes as he used me and hurt me over and over again. All I can remember were those eyes. They used to be the most beautiful, gorgeous even. But what I saw that night was beautifully tragic, he had this scary look in his eyes he wasn't himself. Not the Ryan I fell for at all. 

 "And-and you want to know what he said when he was done. He said that was amazing baby, I love you. How could he even say that? He got up and left me alone. I felt so-so embarrassed ashamed."

I looked up ready for whatever reaction my best friend and brother had to say.


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