Chapter 17 - Shortie

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As soon as Henry let go of me we both made our way back to the guys just down the hall in the boy's locker room.

"Hey guys," I say, taking in the scene before me.

They all are just lounging around pretty much relaxing. There wasn't much to do while we were stuck in here. My train of thought just got derailed when I felt someone's arm, snake around my waist.

I look up and see Carter, he is wearing a black t-shirt and dark-washed jeans. So simple yet it looked absolutly perfect on him. He still gave me butterflies, actually scratch that they were more like a stampede of animals that ran through me when he touched me, sparks flew.

"Well hello to you too," I said smirking and turning around to look up at him.

"So how's your uncle's cat?" he asks a smirk playing on his lips.

"Well, he's perfectly fine if you must know," I said.

He walks me over to where the rest of the guys are just lounging. I joined Carter in his makeshift bed, which consisted of blankets and towels. I sat between his legs my back pressed against his chest.

"Anyone have a phone on them?" I asked mine died a while ago and I didn't bring my charger.

"Here," Derek says and hands me his phone.

I've decided to call the hotline again just to check in we've been in here for a while and as much fun as we seem to be having I can't wait to get out of here.

Hotline- Hello Lisa speaking how can I help you?

Me- Hi I wanted to know when someone will be here to rescue us.

Hotline- oh hello dear, I'm so sorry for your wait, and also we should be there by tomorrow night maybe around 5:00

Me- that would be amazing thanks Lisa, and is it safe to come out of the basement yet?

Hotline- Yes dear it should be fine, but I would still stick together ya know the good ol buddy system

Me- okay thanks again, Lisa.

And with that, the line went dead. I had a huge grin on my face looking up at the guys.

"We're going home tomorrow guys!" I said excitedly "At 5:00 PM to be exact, and we can freely roam the school without the chance of being swept away by the blizzard." I said getting all excited.

"Then why don't we go break into the teachers' lounge and make camp there?" Isaac asked.

"Yes that's an amazing idea, don't they have a TV in there?" Henry chimed in.

"I'm pretty sure, but there's only one way to find out," Isaac answers.

We gather our things and go to the first floor to the teachers' lounge. Isaac goes to open the door but it's locked. So he tried jiggling the handle and using and I quote 'his brute strength' to open the door, unsuccessfully of course. I clear my throat and step forward.

"Watch and learn boys," I say and step up to the door. I reach into my hair and pull out a bobby pin from my wavy hair, I open it up so it's in a straight line and push it into the lock. I start to jiggle it around until I hear a slight clicking noise. The room opens showing a large couch in the middle of a loveseat. In front of the seats, a nice-sized flat screen is mounted on the wall. There's a small kitchen nook with a small fridge and microwave.

After taking in the room I turned to see four shocked faces looking back at me.

"What, my dad didn't raise a damsel in distress, what do you expect?" I ask and roll my eyes at them.

I walk in and plop down on the loveseat with the remote in my hand I turn on the food network because honestly I'm so hungry right now and I haven't had a decent meal since who knows when.

"Seriously? Why do girls always watch food shows it doesn't make them any better?" Isaac whines.

"Why do you watch porn then?" I asked with a sweet smile. It took him a while to get it but when he caught on.

"Would you like to test that theory munchkin?" he asked me.

"Not in the slightest, and hey! I'm not even that short!" I say getting up.

Carter walked over to me and stood face to face, more like face to chest. And let me tell you the view was phenomenal from where I was standing.

"Whatever you say short stuff," Carter said looking down at me

"Hey! I'm not short you're just tall for your age." I say trying to look tough.

"Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night munchkin," Carter says still peering over me.

"Yeah well I may be short but I can still bite your kneecaps," I say glaring up at him.

"Oooh biting kinky!" Isaac says from behind Carter. I look around Carter's body and flip him off.

"What time babe?" he asks.

"Ugh! You, my friend, have a severe case of DHS dick head syndrome, and unfortunately, there isn't a cure, especially for someone with a critical case like yours," I said smirking at him. Derek Henry and Carter all break out laughing while he's sitting there trying to think of a good comeback.

"Yeah I got nothing, you win this time munchkin, but I will get you my pretty and your little boy toy too," he says smirking and pointing towards Carter.

My face heats up "he's not my boy toy." I say through clenched teeth, hoping there would be a hole to swallow me up and bring me anywhere but here.

"Whatever floats your boat," he shrugged.

Soon the evil glint was back in his eyes. I decided to ignore it and sit back down on the loveseat, Carter picked up my legs and sat down next to me I draped my legs over his lap. He slowly started tracing random shapes all over my legs distracting me so much that I couldn't even tell an apple from an orange at this point. I was trying to focus on the tv hard. Trying to ignore the sparks shooting up my leg.

"Your hours up munchkin hand it over," Isaac said, and I reluctantly passed over the remote. They put on Family Guy. Since it's Friday I hope they have some good movies on tonight.

I got a little cold so Carter brought a blanket over for both of us, covering my legs and his. The other boys were laughing with the funny parts and so was I until I felt those hands again. My eyes shot straight to his but he was still looking straight at the TV with his little smirk on his face. His hand trailed up to my thigh, squeezing it and making random shapes around it. He started getting closer and closer. And I was beginning to panic a little, I looked back over to him this time he was looking right at me.

He whispered lowly just enough for me to hear ' Just say the word and I'll stop' he said his smirk growing and showing off his dimples.

Curse you Carter Daniels and the way you make me melt in your hands, literally.

His hands were back on my thigh leaving a trail of fire with them; he got to the hem of my shorts and started playing with the soft fabric. I felt his hand go to my panties and linger at the hem of them teasing me by not going any farther. That's when I decided it was my turn to tease him.

I discreetly lift myself onto his lap, wiggling around making it look like I was getting comfortable but I was just grinding against his manhood. I think he finally found out what I was doing. But it was too late I felt Carter jr, down there so I quickly got off and took the blanket with me so there was no way of hiding it.

I grabbed water out of the mini fridge and went back over to the loveseat to see him holding a green fluffy pillow blocking his little problem. I just sat back down on the couch. When I noticed that Isaac was whispering to Henry they both had those I-Up-To-No-Good looks on their face.

Then they turned to me with evil mischievous smiles etched on their faces.



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