Happy Birthday (2)

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"Isabella I'm going to look at something." I put down some papers that I was doing on Isabella's desk and head out with the bag. I say hi to all of the kids that I pass by, I keep tabs on the conversations I hear with the older kids, and I study Emma's eyes. They have things in them that I can't pick apart, I must say if she was on our side a future situation like this wouldn't happen, all of this because that runt Conny left her bunny...

"Gilda, have you seen Ray lately?" I overhear Emma as I walk away from her, to he honest I haven't seen him lately either. I heard somebody mention him but I never checked up on him.

"I don't know, just cause I felt like it~" you rub his head and stand up, but get dragged down by Ray, falling in his lap. Your faces inches apart. Norman gets back up and snickers at you two. Ray looks over at Norman and smirks before putting a hand on your cheek, pulling you closer and kissing you. You try to pull back but he wraps his arms around you, trapping you.

What the hell was that.... Nevermind I don't have time for that. I run back into the house and go into the library, no particular reason. It's because we met in the library...We love him
I ignore that voice and go up the ladder, finding two beanbags next to each other and a book in between. I bend down into a crawl space and go into the secret room that I found, it had bedding and a note on a small bench. On the white bedsheets there was a single strand of black medium length hair along with one of my own on the pillow, someone was here recently. My hair has been there but the black strand just got there.

"Goodnight little ones~ I'll play with you tomorrow okay?" I quietly close the door to the little kids room as they all lay down to sleep.

P̷h̵i̴l̷.̸.̷.̵.̸P̵h̸i̶l̷!̵ ̶P̴H̴I̸L̸

I walk past Emma slightly shoving her shoulder and go into Isabella's room, she's signing papers and scheduling a meeting with Headquarters.
"What do you want..." Isabella sneers without looking ng up from her work, I go over to her desk and peer over at the papers reading what the contents are.
"What I can't spend time with my favorite mother~"
"Get out K.I.T, I'm doing something that benifits both of us." She makes eye contact and slightly scrunches her eyebrows.
"Fine, fine. I'm gonna check out the products, I heard some rustling on the way here." She dismisses me again forcing me out and making me go down the hallway. I hear talking and a metallic clang in the lunchroom and go near the door, I see Ray standing in a puddle of what smells like gasoline and Emma standing infront of him.
"Goodbye, Emma." Ray drops the match. Shit shit shit SHIT SHIT!! I run towards him with Emma and catch the match and extinguish it, I look back at him and scoff.
"What the fuck were you thinking...."

You're at battle with yourself, the influence of headquarters is still controlling you but ever since you saw Ray try to end it your memories come back in bursts, but then disappear. Ray knows this and is trying his best to help you but with so much going on in your mind it made you barely able to walk or talk, or do any of the things you need to escape. Ray's been holding onto your hand while everyone slides down the rope to the other side of the wall, reassuring you to stay positive. You think that he's saying that to both of you to make sure that you guys don't get separated again, since the first time was too much for you both. You tug on the sleeve of Ray's shirt and lean on his side, woozy and still crying.
"Ray...I'm sorry...it's happening again..." You mumble and hold onto your head while waves of pain pound into your head, the constant high pitched ringing in your ears making them bleed. You knew the reason for it, Headquarters tested to see how high of a pitch you could hear and they ended up with a sound that only you could hear that was painful beyond belief.

I back up and stare in shock as my eyes go black, all of my senses are numbed and it feels like I'm floating in midair but surrounded by something at the same time. I try looking around but all I see is black, my hands and feet are freezing and my scalp is so itchy I want to rip it out. This is the most discomforting experience someone could face, my eyes are itchy from tears along with my puffed face and bloody shirt.



Don't you remember me? I'm truly sad.

It can't be...Norman? I thought you were shipped?

I was, I'm not getting into the details now but just trust me when I say that it is me.

Norman, I'm so sorry about what's happened. It's all my fault, if I were stronger I could've made sure you weren't shipped and we wouldn't have fallen apart.

No, don't blame yourself. What would Ray want?

What Would Ray Want?

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