Notice Me...

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"Mother? Why can't I play with the other kids? Why do I have to train all day?" You look down at the packet of papers you were filling out. Mother was circling around you, judging your every move.
"Because you're different. You need to train and develop your brain." She puts a hand on your shoulder, you set down the pencil and look her in the eye.
"Because my brain is different, and you need it ready for The One right, or am I going to be your tool like you said? I'm finished with it, I'm going outside" you sit up and walk out, you live in a secret room connected to Mothers room. Walking out you see the empty house like always, walking through the halls you hear everything. Mother locking the room, the faint laughter coming from outside, and everyone's footsteps. You step out another secret door onto the dirt, stepping lightly you hide behind a tree and watch 2 or 3 kids coming from the forest at a time. You watch in amazement as the kids talk and have fun together, even though they lost. There was 37 in count playing, 1 boy was sitting alone leaning on a tree reading a book. You would talk to him sometimes when you were both in the library, you would always think, notice me...notice me and be there for me. I just want a friend.
"I'm going to do it...I'm going to go up to him for once!" You whisper, slowly walking up to the tree. You sit on the opposite of the tree and listen to your breathing.
"Why aren't you playing? Won't you join the game?" The boy asks, you jump at the words and grip your pants.
"Well, I'm not the type to play games, I'm always training so Mother keeps me locked up." You said too much...dang it! You hear his breathing get slightly faster. You crawl towards him with your eyes closed, not wanting to see him. You don't make it very far until your face touches something, you think it's the tree so you open your eyes. But to your surprise, your face had collided with his, you both gasp and jump back.
"W-who are you? I've nev- wait. You're the girl from the library." He sat up again and closed his book, you sit up and look at his enchanting dark green eyes. He notices and looks back at you, both of you say nothing for a while until you look to the side.
"What book are you reading?" You move next to him and look down at the cover, it was pale blue and dusty.
"O-oh, it's ****** ** ****, by ****** ****. Have you read it?" He asks, you nod and open up to where he was. You both read the book until most of the children were back, you look at him then the crowd.
"I have to go...see you later!" You wave and runoff in the opposite direction leaving under the tree and taking a long route  to the back of the forest, hopping over the fence and silently waiting behind a bush. Watching the calm forest be crowded with kids once more, going going another round of tag.

It doesn't take long for a white haired boy, Norman, to come near the fence and look at the forest beyond, with you just a few feet away from him. I have to get away from him!

You slowly start backing up until you get to the giant stone wall, looking around until you were on the oppisite side of the house. You sigh and slowly approach Mother as she opens the door for you with an unreadable expression.

The house has noise filling its halls as kids come pouring in again...the only other place for you is the library's top shelf. You walk to the library before kids run down the hallway, climbing up the ladder into the shadows you hear 5 pairs of footsteps coming towards you. You climb onto the top shelf and peer down onto the kids picking books and playing. All of the kids look under 7, except the boy from earlier. He picks up a book and puts the one he had back, flipping through the pages he checks out the book then walks towards the ladder. You move closer into a corner as he comes up and sits on the shelf. You watch him for about 5 minutes, then his eyes dash over to yours.
"You wanna come and read? Or are you gonna stand there?" He jokes you step forward a bit and climb up.
"N-no! Maybe... Just move over!" You shove him over and sit next to him, he moves the book over a bit and read.

About 10 minutes later he closes the book and jumps down, you get down but your ankle fails and you trip. He grabs your hand and pulls you up.
"Clumsy, anyway I have to go. Dinners done" he waves to you as he walks out of the library. Please notice me...please be my first friend.

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