Offered Help

407 16 16

Today you decided to watch Emma and Norman, Ray was being handled quietly by mom. You knew about the disagreement with them and Don so you were keeping an extra eye in him. They were in the forest talking about the inspection they planned while Ray was lieing to mom.

"Ray~! What series are we reading next?" You gleefully open the door to Ray and Norman, but pause as you see their bruised cheeks.
"H-hey what's with your cheeks? Who, who did this to you." Your very worried voice turns to slight anger as Ray puts a comforting hand on your shoulder.
"Y/n we're fine, Don just g-"

"He what? He did this?" You push them both out of the way and start stomping towards where Don was. But Norman and Ray grab onto your arms, which you quickly jerk off.
"Y/n don't be rash, we had a little disagreement that's all. Nothing to worry about." Norman smiles and pulls you back into your room.
"But he-"
"Y/n, we have a plan..." They both calm you down and explain their plan to you, to which you agreed. You were just worried about how they were going to explain the bruises.

"Y/n...Psst! Y/n!" You get your arm grabbed and pulls away from the group.
"Ray? What are you doing?" You look him in the eyes while he clenches your shoulders.
"She believed it, but I need to tell you something."
"A shipments been set." He glares into your eyes and loosens his grip.
" you know who?"
"No. I have something else to ask, about something else..." He removed his hands from your shoulder and places his wrists instead. Stepping slightly closer.
"I...what is it?"
He hesitates but moves closer to you, placing his lips on yours and cupping your face with his hands. You step back but don't pull away, blushing hard. You both step forward and you lean against a tree as he steps back. You blush and cover your mouth.
"I-I love you Y/n, if we truly get out before any of us get shipped. Do you wanna maybe, be mine?" He held out his hands and smiled.
"Ray, is that really a question? Of course~, I promise you~!" you hug him and smile, he runs his fingers through your hair and laughs softly. You smile and grab something behind your back, pulling out Ray's camera and quickly snapping a picture of the both both you to Ray's surprise. "There~! Now you can add it to your collection~! You have on of me and Emma, me and Norman, and now me and you~!" Ray stares at you with starry eyes and a pink tint on his cheeks..You both stay silent until you push him away.
"Wait Ray... Get down, someone's following the group." You grab his hand and run over to the group, but you're too late. Sister Krone is already there talking with them.

"Sooooo, wanna join forces?"

"Ray? Can I talk to you? I want to go over the steps for the inspection." Norman and Ray come into the room you were in and sit down.
"When are we going to tell Don and Gilda about Y/n? They have to know soon or their reactions may impact the escape." You rub your chin and smile.
"I'm planning on telling them after the inspection don't worry." You put your arm around Norman and poke his cheek making him embarrassed. You notice Ray looking away and covering his mouth so you peck Norman's cheek.
"Hey! What was that for Y/n?!" Norman jumps back and blushes, hitting your arm. Ray side eyes you both and blushes more.
"I don't know, just cause I felt like it~" you rub his head and stand up, but get dragged down by Ray, falling in his lap. Your faces inches apart. Norman gets back up and snickers at you two. Ray looks over at Norman and smirks before putting a hand in your cheek, pulling you closer and kissing you. You try to pull back but he wraps his arms around you, trapping you.
"Is it just me or is there something else between you?" Norman breaks the silence causing you and Ray to snap back to reality and pull back. You cover your mouth and run to a corner, curling up and laughing.
"Well take a guess Norman?" Ray blushes and smirks.
"I already know that but, what is the relationship between you two?" Norman moves over to you and pokes your cheek.
"... complicated. I-I'm gonna go report to mom." You look over at Ray and crawl through a small space to the library. But it was at the wrong time, mom and the younger ones were infront of you picking some books. She looked down at you terrified and turned her back to you, hiding you barely.
"Will you guys do me a big favor while I do something? Will you take these books down there for me?" She hands the books to the little ones and points to a lower spot away from the entrance.
"Of course mom! We'll all be big helpers!" You make eye contact with Phil before trying to back up more.

Once the little ones were out of her sight she turns to you with wide eyes and grabs ahold of your wrist. She pulls you up and drags you out if the library and into your empty room. Slamming her hands down on the steel table, she stares deep into your eyes.
"What, were you doing."
"I-I was, uh, moving to check the kids outside?" She scoffs and grabs your face.
"Nice try, it's nighttime. You're staying in here. I'll deal with you later..." She throws you to the floor and walks out, locking you inside of the concrete room. With nothing except a pile of work and some water. And, a knife to write in blood with.

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