Finally Together?

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"What is...all of the noise?" You stumble out and support yourself on the tree, even though your vision was hazy you could make out 2 figures, a person and a short blob.
"Y/n? You're awake? Finally..." The figure runs towards me and embraces me, Emma gasps and covers her mouth while squeezing Chris, your sight is coming back. But your tears weren't helping the situation.
"Ray? Get off of me please..." You say barely above a whisper, he hesitates and looks at you, confused, "Why? Aren't you happy that we escaped, that we're together again? I thought you'd be more happy about this..." Ray sighs and backs up.
"I'm a monster Ray. I can't stay here after what I've done...Just forget about me okay?" You start to walk off before he can say anything up Emma interjects, "Y/N! Wait, be reasonable. None of us think you're a monster even after all of the know, insulted us, kicked us around, made Ray cry, told is we weren't gonna make it..." Emma looked away and ruined the back of her neck while Ray just looked away, You stumble back, stunned. Did I really say all of those things?
"EMMA! Y/n don't listen to her you were under control by Headquarters! You couldn't control what you said?! And Emma you're not helping." Ray picks you up off of the ground and smiles somberly, you bite your lip and pull him into a tight hug, "You're right...I'm so sorry for what happened, I should've been stronger."
"Don't blame yourself, you're perfect Y/n."

They're's the time, I'm sorry Ray but you'd all be better off without me, it may hurt now, but you will persevere and survive.

"Goodnight Y/n~! See you in the morning." Ray pecks your cheek and lies down, you smile and make sure he's asleep before running to get your bag. You pack a small amount of water and a days worth of food, durning training this was all you needed for a week's mission. Getting on your backpack, you look over at the little one's.
"Oh how I'm going to miss you, all of you..." You say, barely above a whisper, and walk outside of the shelter.

You can only walk for about 2 minutes before you hear a pair of footsteps behind you. Stopping in your tracks, you look behind you with overwhelming sadness, it's almost unbearable how quickly tears flooded from your eyes as you laid sight upon a confused Ray, standing with a lantern 10 feet away from you.

"Y/n...please don't go."

That was all it took. That was all it took for you to break, all of your stress and pent of guilt from the past few months. It just poured out and dragged you down to the forest floor sobbing, with you being completely helpless to control it. Ray rushed to you and dropped to his knees, hand on your back.
"RAY WHY CAN'T I DIE?! PLEASE JUST- I'VE DONE SO MUCH HARM AND BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH PAIN I JUST WANNA DIE ALREADY!!" You grip onto the sides of your sleeves, screaming, pressing your head into the ground and your nails into your arms.
"Y-Y/n...please I can't bear to see you like this." Ray wavers while rubbing your back, trying not to cry himself.

"Y/N PLEASE STOP-" Ray grabs onto your waist and pulls you into his lap, putting your numb face in the crook of his neck, on the verge of crying himself.
"Y/n please calm down, it's going to be okay, you haven't done anything wrong. If you want somebody to blame it should be Headquarters, they made you like this, they brainwashed you. You didn't deserve all of your pain, because, Y/n you're the most perfect person I've met my whole life. Please, just stay, we've both gone through so much...just, please..." Ray's fingers tremble as he holds you tight, silence as you process his words.
"R-Ray...I love you, I-I'm tired, tired of, everything. Why can't you let me sleep..."

Now it was Ray's turn to cry, your words mirrored his before the fire, right before he tried to...

You notice and immediately cup his cheeks in your hand.
"Ray, what's wrong, what did I do?" Ray's tears get stronger which only makes you worry even more, you pull him into a hug and entangle your fingers into his hair.
"Ray please tell me if I did anything to-" He cuts you off with his lips, pulling you to lay on the ground beside him.
"You've done nothing wrong Y/n, you just reminded me of what I said back at the orphanage. Stay, stay with us, if you don't want to, at least do it for me~" Ray chuckled and squeezed your arms, a rush of joy running through you.
"Fine, you charmer~!" You giggle and hug him back as he puts a soft kiss on your forehead. A moment of silence passes, before you let out a small laugh.
"What was that for?" Ray smiles and brushes the stray hairs out of your face.
"Oh nothing, just thinking back."

"No. I have something else to ask, about something else..." He removed his hands from your shoulder and places his wrists instead. Stepping slightly closer.
"I...what is it?"
He hesitates but moves closer to you, placing his lips on yours and cupping your face with his hands. You step back but don't pull away, blushing hard. You both step forward and you lean against a tree as he steps back. You blush and cover your mouth.
"I-I love you Y/n, if we truly get out before any of us get shipped. Do you wanna maybe, be mine?" He held out his hands and smiled.
"Ray, is that really a question? Of course~, I promise you~!" you hug him and smile, he runs his fingers through your hair and laughs softly. You smile and grab something behind your back, pulling out Ray's camera and quickly snapping a picture of the both both you to Ray's surprise. "There~! Now you can add it to your collection~! You have on of me and Emma, me and Norman, and now me and you~!" Ray stares at you with starry eyes and a pink tint on his cheeks..You both stay silent until you push him away.

"I remember, the first time we really kissed, Emma and the rest of then were just a mere 6 feet away...we were cutting it kinda close weren't we?" You both sit up and chuckle, Ray smiles and stares unti your eyes.
"Y/n, it's been so long since I've just been able to look at you, you're beautiful Y/n. Don't ever forget that."

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