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"Y/n. Come here and eat." Mother calls you from your room, she was in her office after dinner. You always eat dinner 10 minutes after everyone has finished, your room was the room where you were taught. Your bed was old and you had your bathroom connected.
"Yes, mother..." You hang your head and walk to the kitchen.

"I'm going to the library Mother..." You walk out of the kitchen and run to the kid's rooms. Quietly you open the first door, he's not in there. You check another, not in there either. So you open the door to one of the kid's room and step in, you close the door and walk over to the beds. You scan everyone in the dark, moonlight peering in the window. You find the boy and sit in front of him, his breathing is easy and he's in a deep sleep.
"Hi...will you be my friend? I wonder if you're tricking me and not asleep...I don't know..." You examine his features as he slowly rises up and down.
"You planning to watch me all night?" He opens his eyes and stares at you, you gasp and look at him.
"No...did you hear what I said?" You grip your pants and look at the other kids.
"Yeah sorry...but sure, we can be friends" he grabbed your hair and stroked it softly, you look at his hand then at his eyes.
"Thanks...I'm y/n" you grab his hand and squeeze it, he smiles slightly and pulls his hand back.
" me in the library as soon as you wake up okay?" He lays back in a sleeping position, you nod and slink back out into the hallway.
"Y/n! Time for Assasin training!" mother calls down from her office. Here we go again...

"What did you want to talk about Ray?" You scrunch up in front of him and look into his eyes.
"If we're going to be friends...I need to ask you something, do you know about the house? Like, actually know about its purpose..." He stares back into your e/c orbs, you nod and blush slightly.
"Good. Then do you know about me and mom?" You nod again, he smirks and laughs a bit.
"Well, what about you? What makes you so special?" He moves to sit next to you, you tense up at the lack of space in between you both.
"Well, I was injected with something when I was born, I don't know what it does but I'm training for something. I'm going to be the one who captures or kills the kids who try to escape. Behind mother's back, I've been looking in on everyone playing. I know almost anything about this house, and the kids in it." Your head gets heavy and starts to drop, you pick it up but your eyelids are heavy too.
"Hey...? How much sleep did you get?" He holds your head up and turns it to him, you rub your eyes and look into his eyes.
"Ah, um...about... An hour? Maybe 30 minutes?" You lean on his shoulder and close your eyes, he moves you to a beanbag that was up there and moves your hair out of the way.
"I'll make sure that you don't get found. I'll be back in an hour okay?" He started to climb down the ladder.
"O-okay..." You drift off to sleep while Ray leaves.

"Hey? Y/n-ah...wake up! We have to go somewhere" Ray shakes you awake softly and pick you up on his back.
"You're light...I wonder how much you've been eating..." He mumbles, he somehow makes it down the ladder with you and makes it out the door and into the forest.
"R-ray? I can run if you want, you don't have to carry me I know I'm heavy" you wiggle off his back and start running. He barely keeps up with you and pulls you into a bush.
"What are we do-" Ray's hand covered your mouth and he pointed to two people around his age. It's Norman and an orange-haired girl.

"Hey, Norman? I think it'd be a good idea to tell Ray and get his opinion." The girl said
"I was thinking the very same thing, I also think Ray would be the least likely to panic. Because he knows a lot means he's good with machines, he would be an asset to our plan but..." Norman replied
"But what?" The girl asked again
"Tell you what? I'll talk to Ray myself, why don't you head back to the house-" Ray, whispered keep quiet and got on his hands and toes.
"Why not now?" He stood up and walked out of the bushes.
"Ray!" The orange-haired girl spoke, Ray waved.
"Yo." They stood in silence for a couple of seconds. You slowed your breathing and relax your body like in training.
"Hey sorry I followed you." He said, both of them gasp and the girl steps back.
"It's been bugging me all day so I thought I should come out and ask you." He hands the girl the book he had been carrying, he walks around to the side of both of them and wraps an arm around their necks.
"Tell me what happened at the gate the other night. You know when you tried to take little bunny to Conny, you both were acting a lot weirder than usual and you came back empty-handed even though you didn't see her." Norman smiles and says "You're so sharp!"
"So I assumed something must have happened now spill it!!" He squeezed the girl's neck tighter.
"Oh ow aren't you a clever one!" She squeaked out.

"Demons huh? A farm...Moms the enemy?...this is bad" Ray lowers his hand on his mouth, the girl tenses up.
"He catches on fast!"
"So that means that this whole time moms been taking care of us and feeding us so well, so we can get shipped out to become demon food." Ray rubs the back of his neck.
"Actually I'm surprised you're ready to believe this so easily!" The girl points at him.
"Huh? Of course, I believe it, Norman would never make up such an unbelievably dumb lie. He's not you Emma." He puts his hands on his hips, Emma jumps back then slumps down.
"So if we're really gonna make a break for it we need to address a couple things. First is the number of kids, we should narrow it down to those who can make it-" Ray gets cut off by Emma putting her hand out.
"Wait! We're leaving here and taking everyone, and to make that happen, we need you!" Emma tries to be convincing but Ray still has a skeptical look on his face.

"They're both out of their can we possibly take everyone!" Ray hits the wall in frustration you walk closer to him and pet his hair.
"I don't know Ray...but Mother called you. We should go..." You grab his hand and walk out of the library, you hide and listen to mother as she introduces Sister Krone. As she talks to everyone you think back to what Norman said earlier, his whole speech about protecting Emma and getting everyone out. As much as you admire Ray, you might agree with Norman on this, getting half of us out just to sacrifice the smallest of them? It's just inhumane...well, you're one to talk.

You sit at the base of the stairs and watch as the kids examine her. After she walks inside her room they all go not the library. Ray leaves last and grabs your hand.
"C'mon! Aren't you coming?" He half smiles and pulls you along.
You're hiding on top of the shelf in a secret space that mother made. There's a hole in the wall that you can fit in with extra room, you put books spaced out so you could still see. The kids are talking but you keep watching Ray, guaranteeing his safety and making sure that Sister Krone and Mother aren't around. If they were you would have to sacrifice your whole cover, but it's for him, so it isn't that bad...right?

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