Training and Promises

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You run back through the forest, going back to the wall to hide the rope. You stole a scalpel from a medkit to cut the rope, it won't cut through but after it cuts some you'll be able to rip it. If it goes to plan, the best-case scenario is that it lands close to the other side and barely leaves any evidence. The worst case is that it misses entirely, but you prepared for that yesterday. You jump back up and aim the scalpel, you throw it harshly and it lands. It cuts slightly but falls immediately, you sigh and tighten your grip on the rope. Yesterday you tied the rope in a way which it would slowly untie if enough weight was on it. After you climbed on it all you needed to do was tug on it for the rope to come undone. You watch the rope fall as the sun creeps onto your clothes. You look at the rising sun and run back.

You were already in the forest when the kids starting playing tag. You were in the trees and made made way for you to easily cross the fence so that if anyone got too close you could escape. They played for for few rounds but then took a break, you watched as the trio gathered near the house, so you snuck back in and opened a window that was near them ever so slightly, listening in. They're starting to suspect Phil, even though he's only a little kid, sure he's a smart kid, and Ray's argument was convincing but-

"Then we'll leave this place in 10 days."

Whaa-?! That's so soon...too soon, sure they don't know what Mother is planning but, only 10 day's? What goes through Norman's mind, I wonder...

You're hiding behind Ray, yiur hand over his in the space that mother made for you in the library. Don and Gilda are down there along with them. They just left, Ray got down and held out his arms, you jumped down and landed in his arms. He fake smiles and tells you to wait here, he climbs down and walks out. You follow him and the rest out into the hallway, Emma goes into the bedroom leaving Norman and Ray alone. They're discussing the spies and Conny. Norman keeps a level head, Ray's mad and you wanted to step in but you can't.
"I'm going to tell them where the rope is hidden. I'll tell Don that it's behind my bed, Gilda will know that it's in the 2nd-floor bathroom ceiling. And at that point, how's mom gonna find out?"
"Okay, but if the ropes are gone and it turns out that neither of them are the spies?"
"I've already considered that."
"Seems like you're prepared for everything."
"Yeah, I told you, the key is to outwit her. We have Y/n too, I don't know how she'll come into play but we have a powerful ally." Norman points to you in the shadow, you jump back and slowly come out of the light. Ray smiles in shock, did he really think that you weren't listening?
"There's a problem though. My chip isn't in my ear, it's in my chest. I think I have a way to hack it without the higher-ups knowing, but I'll try that on the day of the escape. Mother always tells me what she thinks so I can plan my spying appropriately. She suspects you guys but still has an open mind so far." You wave and run off down a hallway. Emma and Gilda, 2 very interesting, how long can Ray keep this up without real help from me?

"Ray I'll get the buckets okay! I want to help!" You run over to Ray but stop once you see Norman beside him, Norman smiles and looks at Ray.
"Well then, okay thanks Y/n, we'll be over there okay?" Ray turns his head in the direction, you nod and run off. Norman laughs once you're far and hits Ray's arm. You hear him say something which aggravated Ray bit you're too far to comprehend it. You reach into your pocket once you're inside and slip it under a door. Emma questions it but picks it up and reads it, what would you do if there are 2 of mothers' little dogs? You smirk and run for the buckets.

Norman looks under his bed, you can barely watch as Norman tells Ray that there's no rope. Ray really screwed up.
"Actually it's you who's the traitor, Ray." He knew? I couldn't read any differences in his movement.
"Are you serious? Cut it out."
"Ray, you've realized, right? I set a trap for 3 people. I told Don it was behind my bed, and Gilda was told the 2nd-floor bathroom ceiling. At least, that's what I told you. But I actually told Don the dining hall, and Gilda the library. The rope behind my bed ended up being gone, so what about the other 2 spots? Should we check them out?" Ray sits and falls back on a bed, he laughs and stares at Norman. You inch forward.
"Oh man, and here I thought I was doing so well. You're right, I'm the one who's been spying for mom. So what gave it away?" He sits back up and outs his leg on his knee.
"It was when Sister first came to the house. I was disgusted with myself, I suspected you instantly. My own friend. It was really the worst-case scenario, I wish I had been wrong about it. Because you being the traitor would be quiet problematic for us, but for the enemy, picking you was the obvious choice. You would be able to provide input to our plans, which would be perfect for keeping control over the situation. You're the best one for the job."
"Can't get anything past you, although I'm wondering how you didn't suspect Y/n too. How embarrassing, I walked right into your little trap while Y/n played it safe."
"There's 1 more thing, you see, this isn't the first time you've done this. If one of us suddenly started giving mom tips, I doubt she'd be so trusting. So how long have you and Y/n been mom's spies?" Norman leans down to get closer to Ray, Ray's eyes look around the room then lock onto yours.
"For a while now, I can't remember when I wasn't her spy. Guess you can say I'm a sheepdog for a shepherd."
"You knew about all of this and helped mom anyway?!"
"Everything we talked about, the was nothing but a series of lies? How much have you been telling mom...? Can the trackers even be broken!?"
It hurt to watch this.
"Whatta gonna do with that info? Gonna ditch me based on my answer?" Norman stands back up.
"No, I won't, I want you to stay close like you always have. Isn't it great Ray? You get to hide your mistake! You tried to frame Don so you could keep spying on us correct?!"
"What do you want..."
"3 things, 1, you will continue to stay with us and promise to guarantee our safety. 2, I want you to share all of the information you have. And 3, flip to our side. Become a spy for our team instead."
"You wanna use me as your trump card?" Norman nods and smiles, Ray gets annoyance in his face.
"Are you an idiot! If that was your plan from the beginning you should've kept quiet and used me. Then when the time was right you cast me would've been easy!"
"You're right about that but...she reminded me we're family." Norman walks over and sits next to him.
"That's what made me change my mind. I wanna believe in you too, we're friends before enemies, right? After all, you're the one who hid little bunny right? The night we went to the gate if you hadn't told us we could make it in time, we wouldn't have gone. You laid out the bread crumbs for us to discover the truth about this house for ourselves. You set this up for the 3 of us to escape didn't you? Why did you become mom's sheepdog? Why not just let Y/n do it all?"
"Why not?"
"If you were completely on mom's side then it wouldn't make sense to reveal the truth to us. You've been controlling our actions, about the trackers, the timing of our escape, and how quickly the plan moved forward. That's why you didn't want us leaving in 10 days, but at the same time, you were also keeping mom under control. You're actually not our enemy are you?"
"Heh, you still think that huh? I volunteered, I guess it's more like I sold myself really. AND ALL OF IT WAS TO PREPARE FOR THE ESCAPE WE'RE PLANNING!! If you're going to learn more about the enemy, it's best to do so from the inside." You quietly get up and crawl out of the room, you get a feeling of a soft buzz in your chest. Coming mother...

"You're staying in this room for the remainder of the night understood? You need to train and develop, I want you to survive Y/n. You're the most special child ever raised." Mother rubs the side of your cheek and smiles warmly, you smile and start eating.
"Thank you for the food Mot- Mom...what do you want?" Mom backs up and smirks.
"Nothing Y/n...just eat and study. I need to speak with Ray." She closes the door only leaving a small crack open for you to hear. After 2 minutes you hear footsteps then the door open. You lay your spoon down and get closer to the door. They don't speak for long but you do get info.

"That was a stupid move, Ray." You blindly look straight as Ray looks through the series of books you were reading together. He looks at you and scrunched his eyes.
"I know that Y/n, sorry..." He hands you the book, you snatch it and open the first page.
"Hey, I said I'm sorry Y/n." He sits next to you and holds the book, you look at him with a sad but hopeful expression.
"A couple of days ago, I went on the wall..." You close the book and set it aside.
"On it? Can you jump that high?!" Ray laughs, you smile and nod.
"I had some rope that I tied to a tree, I jumped off and made it to the other side. There's a huge ravine, I'll work with Norman to find a way over." You hold his hand, he smiles and gets up.

They're in the forest again. I'm being forced to do more work. I feel like I need to do something...
"Y/n sweetie...listen here." Mother closed the book you were reading, you look up at her and smile.
"You know why I'm suddenly pushing you right? Because you're going to be put to the test. You're going to stop the kids who escape. I know you've been to visit the wall, I'm not mad, but be careful." She takes your work and sets it aside.
"Promise me you won't slack on your training my dear..."

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