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you want it lowkey?

The president, vice president and secretary of the Inarizaki student council sitted peacefully on their own desk located in the student council's assigned room. There were three desks intended just for the student council members. It was where the three of them worked with their paperworks for the school.

Only the sound of pen writing in the paper and paper being flipped around was heard. All of them didn't make a single sound, they were all focused on the paper work each of them were working on. Every one of them had a pile of work to do.

On the other side of the door were three men glaring at each other. "You were the one ordered to go here anyway, 'tsumu." Miya Osamu, one of the boys in the volleyball club whispered harshly to his twin as he crossed his arms on his chest. He even emphasized the word ordered

"But you were instructed to come too, 'samu" Atsumu who smirked at Osamu said. The two of them exchanged glares, seconds later and they were already arguing about who will open the door. The ravenette they were with only shook his head in annoyance.

The Miya twins argued every time they couldn't get along with something, which was basically everyday. The Inarizaki Volleyball team should already be used to them bickering everyday, but it was still annoying.

Their argument wasn't even spicy enough for him to record it. This is too dull. He released a bored sign before deciding to get in between them which left the two Miyas silent.

Before they could say something, Suna had already opened the door which caused the whole student council's attention to avert to them. The ravenette wanted this to be over already, they were only ordered by their captain to ask the council if they can raise the fund given to them this month.

The bored expression on his face turned into an amused one when he saw a familiar face looking at him with her brow raised at the ruckus Suna was creating. I forgot she was part of the student council

Y/N stared at the three boys who were in front of them. In the middle was Suna, who she was very familiar with and on his side was the popular Miya twins. "Good morning, do you guys perhaps need something?" Yuki questioned the three.

"Brooo, that entrance was so fucking godtier" Satomi Yami, the secretary of the club complimented the three of them with a big smile on her face. "Yami, please refrain from cursing."

Yuki glanced at the three with a welcoming smile on his face, letting them to explain what they needed. He was indeed a good leader, there was no lie that he deserved the president position of the SC.

Osamu nudged Atsumu to speak which caused the blonde to frown and nudged his twin back. They were about to fight once again when Y/N caught Atsumu's eyes. He wanted to impress the female.

He pulled the paper from his pocket that Kita told him to hand over Yuki, which he did. "The captain of the volleyball team is requestin' an increase of funds because of the upcoming nationals." the blondie told Yuki with a smirk on his face.

Suna only snickered. It was obvious that his teammate was interested in someone in the room. Y/N couldn't help but roll her eyes in frustration as she continued doing her work.

"Hey" she looked over at who spoke, there standing was the brunette she was currently tutoring. He was now leaning against her desk which made her eyebrow furrowed.

She shook her head before working on her paperworks once again. "Hey" suna greeted once again, trying to get the female's attention but unluckily, he failed. He was about to speak again when the girl got her phone.

Y/N pretended to dial a number before putting her phone across her ear. "Mom, an annoying motherfucker named Suna Rintarou is talking to me"

The man mentioned chuckled at Y/N. Well, she's cute. "Are you talking about me?" he questioned, trying to tease the girl who was obviously trying to frustrate him as well.

"No, I'm not. Why would I talk about you?" she asked the man infront, keeping her innocent face. It was getting a lot more interesting for the male leaning on her wooden table.

Suna smirked at her, he would definitely play in her own game. "Exactly, I heard my name. Why would you talk about me?" he questioned, his lips still forming a smirk. "Come on baby, no need to brag about me, I prefer it lowkey" he winked which immediately made Y/N blush.

The two of them were like on their own world, they didn't even notice that all of the students present in the room were staring at them intently. "What did he say?" Yami said, the word 'say' being pronounced longer than the others. She grinned and placed one of her legs on the desk.

Yuki smiled upon hearing what the volleyball player said. He definitely didn't expect that someone can actually make their vice president frustrated, considering that the female was always composed.

Osamu and Atsumu were shocked at seeing their middle blocker flirting with the heather of their school. Moreover, he called her baby.

tutor me, miss perfect : r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now