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No days passed that Suna did not wait for the female's text, he hoped that the two of them would have another tutor session. Those days turned into a week and before all the students knew it, it was now the day before the final exams of the semester.

He would always see her at the hallway, being greeted by every student she came across with. The male surely desired to have a conversation with her. However, the thought that it will most likely worsen the rumor going around.

Suna Rintarou was currently in a convenience store with Atsumu Miya and Osamu Miya, buying a snack that he usually bought.

A sigh left his mouth when both of the twins were already arguing. He had decided to leave them be. He made his way to the fifth aisle, where the jelly sticks or chuppets were located.

He stopped on his tracks when he had seen a familiar girl desperately trying a packet of jelly sticks of a certain brand. She had h/c locks and was wearing a gray hoodie.

A smile appeared on Suna's face, a sincere one that is. The girl he has been wanting to talk with was now in front of her. Even if he had only seen her from behind, his instinct told him that it was her.

Y/N's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to grab the pack of jelly sticks for the third time and that will also mark the third time she failed. She was about to try one again when a pair of hands got it for her.

She turned around only to see Suna Rintarou grinning ear to ear with the jelly sticks in his hands. "Never thought I would see you here, princess?"

"Do you want this?" He grinned even more, pointing out the jelly sticks. The female could only nod at him, the irritation was noticeable yet Suna chose to ignore it.

His fingers touched his chin, he made it look like he was thinking if he would give her the packet or not. "You know what? You're hopeless." She said which made him laugh.

Before he could reply, the pissed woman had already left his sight. She was already paying for the other products she had bought. The jelly sticks were the main reason she went to the convenience store but because of the fact that some annoying jerk was irritating her, she did not have the appetite anymore.

The brunette could only follow her. Nevertheless, before he did, he grabbed another packet of the jelly sticks.

His eyes rolled when he caught sight of the Miya twins talking to the female while the cashier packed up the things she had bought.

He made his way to them, right beside Y/N and in front of the cashier. He put the two packets of chuppets on the counter. "Add this." He ordered which the cashier followed without any questions.

"What's that for?" Y/N raised a brow at him and the two Miya's snickered.

He gave the cashier a few yen, just enough for the things the girl bought. "I'll treat you."

One fact about L/N Y/N was she hated that. She disliked other people paying for her stuff, she was ought to pay for the stuff he would use.

She was about to complain but the brunette had already gotten out of the convenience store with the plastic with her stuff on it. She immediately chased him out and the twins followed her.

"Hey I'll pay you." Yells her, already getting her wallet out of her pocket.

"Nah, I won't accept it"

"What do you mean you wont accept it? I need to pay you"

He chuckled. "How about you pay me in a different way?"

She stopped on her tracks. Her mind going somewhere, he definitely did not mean that but that was what her mind thought. Luckily, before she had conclusions, she had decided to ask him first.

"And what would that be?"

"A date." He smiled, "go on a date with me."

tutor me, miss perfect : r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now