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a change

"this is totally boring, isn't it?" suna rintarou leaned down to her, making sure to keep his voice down as he did not want to get in trouble. y/n couldn't blame him for what he said. he was right. "when were orientations never boring?" she grinned as she whispered to him

the one leading the program didn't even make extra effort to add energy in his voice — he was simply speaking like an old man, yet he wasn't even one. again, y/n, and even suna couldn't blame him. because he sounded like a normal college student — always tired with all the work.

they weren't the only one to think that as osamu and atsumu were both sleeping their ass off. atsumu was even laying atop of osamu's shoulder. y/n couldn't deny it, no one can. both of them looked like an angel with their looks whenever they were asleep — as long as they don't open their mouths.

"should we skip?" suna suggested, his voice laced with mischief as he side eyed her, looking to know her reaction. suna rintarou wasn't a curious guy. his friends would always say that he rarely asks about their personal selves. he was cold — one who doesn't even bother with others unless he gives them benefits. although with her, he found himself looking to see the slightest reaction she'll make. and how happy he was when she nodded without no hesitation.

she was changing. and he loved it.

back in high school, y/n definitely would've said no to skipping even though it was an unnecessary event. he liked her. suna rintarou liked her. and he wanted her to enjoy her life to the fullest — he didn't want her to always keep up a facade. an act.

the two found themselves on the streets near their university where street food vendors where all over the place. suna looked around, trying to see what's the best food to eat. how he hoped she liked these kinds of places "what do you want?" he glanced at her direction only to find her gone which of course, caused him go panic.

it wasn't long though as he immediately spotted her on one of the vendors. she talked to the seller as she got her fave street food with ease. his lips curved into a smile as he crossed his arms, staring at her as she hopped like a kid, making her way to him. maybe he doesn't really have to worry about whether she'll like something or not.

"do you want some?" y/n asked, offering the food to him with a sly smile on her face. he smirked, leaning in closer to him. "will you be willing to feed me?"

y/n wasn't suprised with his flirtatious remarks — as he had always flirted with her back in high school. time caused her to get used to it, suna rintarou was a flirt in her eyes. but he wasn't. he found it funny how this side of him only appears when she stood in front of him. suna rintarou wasn't naive. maybe he did deny it back then, but his actions showed the opposite — he wanted her. and all the people around him knew that.

suna rintarou wasn't the suna rintarou everyone knew when he was with her.

she grinned, "say ahh" leaning closer to him with the stick of street food in front of his mouth.

well, suna rintarou definitely did not expect it. he, by nature, thought that you'll be the one whose flustered — but here he was, looking away, his ears red as he desperately tried to excuse it as an effect of coldness while y/n laughed at his state. he bought it upon himself after all.


old stories like this one definitely have a different writing than my genshin ones now??

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