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Y/n frowned when someone bumped into her and the plastic holding the products she had bought dropped. The person did not even say sorry and she couldn't call out whoever it was because they were already beyond her reach.

Really, she found it annoying. She had no choice but to start picking up the things one by one. She noticed a flash of light, though she chose to ignore it when it happened again.

"Excuse me?" she heard a voice say, it was a familiar one too.

She looked back, Suna stood there. Beside him was the infamous Miya twins. Her brows raised when she noticed them glaring at an old man. "You really shouldn't take a picture of someone's legs, old man." Atsumu said.

Her eyes widened. So that was what the random flash was!

Her eyes once filled with shockness were now filled with disgust just by thinking that a pedophile was taking a picture of her legs.

"What are you talking about? I was just hanging out around here." He defensively said, crossing his arms and even had the audacity to raise his brows. 

Atsumu sighed, annoyed at the nasty old man. "Please delete it, we wouldn't be making such a big deal if we didn't see it happening."

"How dare you blame me for such th-" he couldn't finish what he was saying. The brunette cut him off.

"And what is this?"

Suna exclaimed with the old man's phone on his hands. It was a picture of y/n's legs. The old man was left speechless, he didn't even notice the highschooler taking the phone from his pocket. He could make a living out of pickpocketing, though he was already making money through selling fight videos to nosy people. That’s Suna Rintarou for you?

The brunette could not help but smirk as he nodded, his expression said 'yes, that's what i thought' as he deleted the picture from the old man's phone. Even going as far as checking the photos in trash.

After that, he threw the phone at the old man who could not even look at them in the eyes.

"Fuck off." 

The cold demeanor of Suna was gone when he glanced at the girl. He smiled at her and started helping her pick up her things when one of the passersby suddenly talked to them.

"Damn, old people nowadays are surely troublesome!" she was a woman around her 30s. "You really shouldn't wear something that short young lady! you'll keep on getting harrassed."

Her eyebrows raised. Not only hers but also Suna's. What the fuck is this woman getting on? victim blaming?

She glared at the woman, "I'll wear whatever I want and it's not even short. Please mind your own business." y/n said and stood up from picking up her things. She did try her best to be polite, though it did not seem to work when the woman gasped. How dramatic.

She had enough for the day, it was already too tiring for her and she could not deal with it anymore. She glanced back when she noticed the three others following her, when she realized she was already quite far from the store, she stopped.

Y/n bowed her head and smiled sincerely at them, "thank you"

Her face flushed red when she felt a warm hand lay at the top of her head, suna rintarou had patted her. He averted his gaze somewhere else, “don’t mind what the lady said, you look pretty,” he said.

Osamu and Atsumu sighed in disbelief, maybe a bit of jealousy too. The twins shrugged and just walked away, leaving the two love birds alone. She smiled at him. It may have only been a smile, but to him, she was an angel. “Thank you, Rin.” she said.

“Can I walk you home?” 

“You’ll walk me home either way, even if I say no. wouldn’t you? ” she joked and lousily chuckled, yet he took it seriously. What meant to be a joke was taken seriously by Suna Rintarou.

“Yes, I will.”

tutor me, miss perfect : r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now