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The things he
would do for her

"And brother, Y/N-san did not kidnap me! You're rude!" Rumi stated, looking at her brother who was gazing at the h/c haired girl. She observed her older brother, he was making eye contact with Y/N who was raising one of her brows.  Almost like they were competing with eachother, trying to see who will look away first.

And she was right, the two were competing with eachother. It was taking longer than what was anticipated but it all ended when her brother looked away, sighing in defeat. "Sorry."

One word was enough for Rumi's jaw to drop. Did her brother just apologized to a girl? she knew Suna Rintarou knew Y/N, she did saw her older brother stalking her instagram the same week but she did not expect for her brother to lower his pride. She cringed.

"It's okay..?" Y/N replied with an unsure smile. She, herself was not even sure if the Suna in front of her was the same Suna she was tutoring yesterday.

Rumi never expected her brother who is basically  made of pride was such a simp. Well, they did say to expect the unexpected.

The older brunette noticed his sister cringing at him which resulted to the siblings to glare at eachother. Y/N noticed the atmosphere between the two causing her to interrupt immediately, the atmosphere were almost the same as when she first saw the Miya twins fighting.

"I'll get going now then."

"Wait, Y/N-san, do you want to have dinner at our place?" Rumi asked genuinely.

"Im sorry, I have to be home by 8pm." Y/N informed as she glanced at her watch which said 7:43, she still questions herself why does time fly so fast yet so slow.

"What are you? Cinderella but make it 8pm?"

The sarcasm on Suna's voice didnt go unnoticable by the female. She rolled her eyes, tilting her head a little bit to the side.

"If you want to have dinner with me so bad, just ask." She smirked, leaving the middle blocker dumbfouded. Y/N most certainly was trying to provoke him, which worked because afterall, she was right. He did want to have dinner with her.

She tapped him in the shoulder then looked at the smaller one beside him. "I'll see you when I see you, Rumi-chan" as soon as those words left Y/N's lips, she smiled then turned her heel around, now making her way towards her house.


The weekend passed and today was Monday, it was another day of school.

Y/N L/N made her way to the gym the volleyball club was using for the day. It was still early in the morning when the whole student council had a meeting, assigning the funds of each club. And now, she was going to discuss this with the volleyball team's captain.

A sigh escaped the female teen's lips when she was in front of the door, opening it to look if they were busy.

Miya Atsumu was serving and his eyes did not fail to notice the vice president of the student council peeking. He wanted to impress her, causing him to hit the ball a little harder than he anticipated and it may have loose control.

Now, the h/c haired girl looked at the ball coming towards right at her. Her eyes widened. And panicking, her reflexes led her to using her arm as a shield.

She expected to feel the pain if the ball hit her but she did not feel a single thing. "Are you okay?" infront of her was Suna Rintarou, his eyes staring at her without any emotions whatsoever. Neverthless, his lips was formed into a frown.

It was obvious that he covered for her, it may have been an accident or even intentional. But still, she said, "thank you" which the boy nodded too.

"Are you okay?"

he smiled as a response, "yes, im okay dont worry." he said, now making his way to pick uo the ball and return it to his teammate.

The brunette gave the ball to Atsumu Miya with a cold glare that gave the setter chills.

Before the brunette gave the ball to Atsumu, he gave the setter a glare, a cold one that is. Atsumu flinched at the sudden glare and change of atmosphere in the room they were all in.

"Are they really not dating?" Aran asked Osamu Miya who was standing right beside him. He was obviously pointing out Suna and Y/N. But at this point, Osamu himself did not know the answer, he shrugged.

remember: this is slowburn.

remember: this is slowburn

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tutor me, miss perfect : r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now