twenty three

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Twenty three
living heather?

tiredness was slowly defeating her consciousness. Though, at the same time, the pile of standing prettily before her also kept the female awake.

A loud slam echoed through the whole student council's room that had caused yami and yuki to flinch.

Their head averted to where the sound came from only to see y/n whose eyes were wide open. Well, at least she was trying to keep her eyes open.

The secretary and president stared at each other, both wanting to face palm at unhealthy determination she had. "It's okay, y/n-chan. I can help you with your paperworks" yami said.

"You can rest, y/n-chan '' Yuki also informed the female. The two of them are trying to reassure her and get her to stop overworking.

Y/n only nodded and used her hands as a pillow to sleep on, yet the chance for her to rest got taken away when a knock was heard on the door. A head of a student peeking through, his eyes averted to the female who was laying her head on the desk.

"Y/n-san! the principal is looking for you"

The girl could only release a sign. It hasn't even been a second after I decided to sleep.

She stood up and the two other members of the student council glanced at her with worriedness hinted all over their eyes. Y/n could only signal them that she was okay.

When she arrived at the principal's office, she was greeted with the principal and her adviser. Both had a smile on their faces. "Miss l/n y/n, you have been chosen as an exchange student in America!"

At that point, she couldn't figure out if she was happy or not nor did she know why she would be frustrated anyways. That's right, an exchange program would be a good opportunity for her future, she should be happy. though, the thought of leaving her friends made her dejected.

The little girl giggled as carefully wiped her lips with tissues, her once dirty lips filled with chocolate she had just eaten a while ago were now clean.

She was currently in a restaurant with her parents, they have always pressured her regarding her studies. Sometimes, it came to the point where they would yell at her when her grades dropped.

Though, she was filled with joy because for the first time, all of them went to a restaurant together. They had shared a dinner together for the first time and made her eat all the food she wanted too! She also held her mom and dad's hands as they made their way to the car.

It made her happy, her mom and dad being the best parents ever. No, they were always the best but today, they were the best out of best! Or at least that was what she thought, she was still a child, she was not aware that all the things they were doing were bare minimum.

It's not like she was that simple minded-it was more like she craved their attention and presence, so a simple gesture brings her joy.

"Let's stop here." Her mom said to her dad which caused him to press the break, the car stopping in the process. In front of them was a house, it was decent. Though, their current house was far bigger.

The so-called family got out of the car. Her mom glanced at her, a visible grin on her face. "Darling, from now on, you will live here."

One of her eyebrows rose up in confusion, she did not understand. Live there? Did they buy a new house? But she has not packed her stuff yet!

"You will live here with your grandma, me and your father does not have time to take care of you anymore." The poor girl's mom acted sad. That's right, the keyword was acted. She was nowhere near sad. In fact, she could be the happiest woman right now, she was finally getting rid of her useless daughter.

Her father only stood there, he did not feel any sorrow knowing the fact that it would be the last time he would see his daughter. Was he happy? Unlike her mom, the dad did not feel sad. He didn't feel anything aside from the urge to follow his wife - who wanted to be free from their daughter.

The moon's light reflected her face, a tear fell from her eyes, it slowly fell and when it hit her cheeks, more tears started to appear. "Shouldn't we live together? Because we're family?"

Family. a group of one or more parents and their children living together as a unit, and to be family, they needed to be blood-related. Or at least that is the society's expectation of the world family. If a family no longer cared for each other, are they still considered as a family?

Her mom rolled her eyes, sick of explaining everything to her daughter. She believed she did not need to nor was she obliged to.

Knowing that, she turned her heels towards the car and started walking forward, not bothering with the little girl crying helplessly behind her.

"Why would you leave me?" she sobs as she reaches for her mom's back, she successfully did. Only for her hands to be slapped away by her so called mom.

That slap was enough for the 7 year old girl to understand and realize that they never cared, neither of them did. a single action was enough for her to face reality and she hated it.

Unlike other kids, the girl was forced out of her comfort zone when she was only seven and at that time, y/n l/n did not even know where to start.

That's why she strived to be perfect, she was deprived of attention ever since she was a child. The satisfaction she receives whenever she achieves something no one can fill in the missing part of her.

She liked the idea of everyone congratulating her and if achieving that means accepting the exchange program, then so be it.

The living heather was not really a heather after all.

Season one. end.

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