twenty one

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Twenty one

"I'll cut his dick off if I were you" 

A small chuckle left the woman's lips when the man walking beside her joked. The pair were talking about the incident with the old man that had happened approximately 10 minutes ago, now they walked in the neighbourhood, each step nearing them onto her house.

With the plastic bag filled with all the things she had bought still in her hands, she stopped walking, her feet staying at the same place as she stared at the sky filled with stars. The only sound they heard was the flicker of streetlights and sometimes, the cars passing by.

The stars are really pretty. She thought.

As the wind brushed against his skin, suna stared at her with awe. The way her lips curved into an excited smile as she looked over the hundredths of stars above them made him smile too. She even lifted her arms, acting like she was trying to reach the star, he found the gesture cute. With her by his side, he felt at peace. 

She is the star. He thought. Just like how she reached out for the stars. He, too, was reaching for her.

"Your scores were impressive, suna-san" y/n said happily as her attention that was once on the stars was now on suna. 

He smirked irritatingly, "Where did the Rin go?" 

"I figured that I should probably stop calling you that, you could be uncomfortable after all" she explained, she did consider what he felt though. Especially now that she was growing an unexpected friendship with the brunette.

Suna's eyebrows furrowed before he shook his head left and right, "I wasn't uncomfortable. In Fact, I liked it" he said without hesitation.

"Really? Should I continue calling you that now?"

"You should." He smiled at her, genuinely — without a hint of sarcasm at all.  "In return, can I call you mine?"

Her face turned crimson red when she processed what he had said. She looked at him with her eyes pressed together. "You smooth ass bitch."

He laughed, "so, is that a yes?"

She hit him in his back, it was a little harder than she had expected but it was okay, he deserved it. "Whatever makes your boat float"

"Sounds like fans behaviour" 

"More like future girlfriend behaviour, get your shit straight." with that statement, he blushed. The female didn't know why she said that but she did enjoy seeing the male in such a flustered state.

With that, both continued walking towards her house with smiles on their faces. Occasionally joking with each other and laughing like the two of them were the only pair in the world.

And that was when she realized, whenever she stared at him, he was so beautiful and her lips would always form a smile. Love was not like those in the movies. She did not want him nor did she need him. She just wanted to be in her best self, which was impossible without him.

Because of him, she learned how to let loose. Her whole personality that only revolved the word perfect was slowly being broken by him. It was not a bad thing, she was becoming herself, slowly and steady.

It was her first time feeling something like this but it was familiar, just like how the book described it. 

Earlier, when she had fully embarrassed herself in front of the whole school, Yuki called out to her on the exit. "y/n chan!"

Her e/c eyes spotting him while he made his way to where she was standing, in his hand was an unfamiliar book. He extended his arms that held it, the female raised her brows in confusion though she found herself taking the book from him.

"Coping up with your feelings" She read the title displayed in the front cover and before she knew it, she was reading the book in her room. When she finished, she made her way onto the convenience store that she later encountered suna and the miya twins in.

How ironic. Who would have thought that the man she once despised would be the first person she liked.

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