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little less cruel

"so, what books are you looking for exactly?"

"just some books related to accounting" y/n replied as her eyes averted left and right, trying to find a book that fits her description.

yami sighed, "i still don't get why you picked accounting, there's no way you just did it for mone-"

"cpa l/n."


"certified public accountant, cpa. cpa l/n" a smile graced her lips when her eyes spotted what she was looking for. she pulled it from the book shelf and silently thanked the god that the book she picked wasn't that heavy. after, her head turned to yami who was still looking for answers.

"doesn't cpa l/n sound good?"

well, the book wasn't heavy at all so it just meant she could get more. the girl picked as many as she can, okay, maybe a little too much.

but she promise she'll study all of it ! besides, she's really striving to become an accountant. "i told you not to pick too much! i will not help you carry that" yami rolled her eyes while y/n just chuckled.

"okay maybe i w-" she was about to finish when a voice — familiar to the two of them was heard. suna. suna rintarou.

"i'll help." he said as he took 7 thick books, leaving y/n with only 1. suna would've taken all of it, but knowing y/n l/n, he knew she wouldn't let her. so he came up with the solution of letting her carry at least one.

y/n looked at him in shock, she didn't think that she would encounter him two times today. what a coincidence — or so she thought. before she knew it, her heart started beating faster than before. the male definitely made her feel more alive and less far from the word lost.

"accountancy huh. that fits you." suna said with a smile as he caught glimpse of the books she took.

when the girl didn't reply, suna looked at her and a shocked expression overtook his face when he saw her crimson red face. "are you blushing?" he smirked.

"quit smirking at me!"

"i'm not smirking miss"

"then don't laugh!"

"i am not laughing"

"then quit whatever it is that you're doing!"

suna couldn't help but laugh at their little argument, a lot has gone by. but he would and will always miss these moments. "do you want me to ruin these books by dropping it?" he asked.

"oh no don't!"

"but you told me-"

"forget it!" she glanced at where yami was but her eyebrows furrowed when she realized the girl she was once with was nowhere to be found.

when suna and y/n's eyes met, both couldn't help but laugh. even though they haven't talked in a while, they were comfortable with each other. they acted like kids. both of them were free. with each other, the world felt a little less cruel.

y/n paid for her books while suna carried them for her. "so, should we get coffee?" suna asked.

she looked at him with a curious look on her face. "didn't you just get coffee earlier in the cafe?" she asked him.

he smirked, "what a stalker". the ravenette continued walking while she protested from behind saying that she never stalked him or such. deep inside, the male laughed because of his accusations. especially after he remembered how hard he tried to find her social medias after she left and how he immediately rushed to the cafe when he heard she was there.

"oh i'm taking BS psychology by the way." he said.

"and do i get a bonus if i act like i care?" she teased him which made him furrow his eye brows and hit her head lightly.

he shook his head, "you're still an asshole in your own way."

from a far, osamu, atsumu and aries watched as the two walked in the streets. "i wished i had a girlfriend." atsumu said while osamu hit his head, not even trying to hold back.

"they aren't even together yet." he said.

"but i dreamed that they will get married yesterday!" atsumu fired back.

"really? i dreamed of the same thing!" aries said, excited.


"no of course not, you dumb lil shit."

tutor me, miss perfect : r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now