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she felt like the only way for someone to survive was to be perfect — to be in the top of every thing and every one. therefore, unlike any other privileged student who slacked off, she worked, and worked until she got closer to success

if the only other option was to be low and live like an abandoned child. then she'll rather be called someone who was obsessed with the word, "perfect."

since the world is extremely unfair to begin with.

that was y/n's belief ever since her parents left her and up until now, she still believed it. maybe it was that belief that caused her to feel this way.

she stared at a pair who was sitting in front of each other, suna and an unfamiliar girl. yami sighed, the pain in y/n's eyes was something that would not get unnoticed by the former.

"did you really get over? y/n, you liked him didn't you?" she questioned. even though she already knew the answer — she hoped that y/n would realize that she still feels something for the man.

to the brunette's luck, y/n l/n was smart enough to nod her head. oh thank god she isn't in a denial phase. wah. is that what you call development?

the h/c hair female could only scratch her head and pack up, hanging her bag on her shoulders and making sure to leave the payment for hers and yami's drink. "let's go"

"right now?"

"yeah i still need to buy some supplies."

suna held his coffee as his eyes kept shifting between it and the familiar girl sitting in a seat beside the window. a female he met in highschool, y/n l/n.

"if you keep staring at her, she might melt." the girl across him stated, with her drink on her other hand. suna raised his brow at aries. nagisa aries to be exact, a female with short hair wearing a loose with shirt with puffy sleeves. she even matched it with a black corset and a long white skirt. her outfit not even matching the place she's in.

suna sighed, "why are you even drinking beer at a place like this?"

"shouldn't we be used with her by now?" atsumu, who was beside suna asked, playing with his coffee.

"you should shut up tsumu, i forgot you're here considering how quiet you are just because you're heart broken." she smiled at him. "we're not the same" the smile on her face spread even more — pissing off the blonde.

suna rintarou could only shook his head. used to the savage remarks the female can say. she was his childhood friend afterall. "and also, your girl left seconds ago."

his head immediately shifted to where y/n and yami sat and his eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. "why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"shut up, it's not my fault and besides if you've told me that she was that pretty, i would've chased her in america and we both got back here as a couple."

'm so sorry for the extremely late updates ,, i've been finding motivation to write this story :) i've been busy with writing in tumblr as well and i feel like i don't find this app that fun anymore ?? anyways ,, thank you for understanding .

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