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"Oh really? Did your parents also say that you're one of those disappointments?" He smirked while Y/N gritted her teeth before she flashed an annoying smile.

Preventing herself from throwing him out of the window, she decided to brush him off and start walking once again. "Let's go" she said, clearly ordering Suna Rintarou who stared at her with confusion written all over the males face. She silently thanked God that she was able to successfully avoided arguing with Suna. She believed it was pointless.

The man then smiled before following Y/N. He looked so entertained at the situation while the girl was ready to throw hands "What are we going to do now?"

"Die" the female answered without hesitation. No pause that showed she even thought about what she should say, it just came out of her mouth. It made him laugh, Y/N was far from predictable. Unpredictable was even an underestimation. She was definitely not the type of woman that the school said she was.

A girl who is pretty, talented and always topped the exam boards, huh? She is way more than that. "So what subject do you suck at?"

"Such vulgar language, Miss so called heather." He teased, the amused grin was still seen in his lips. She wanted to wipe it off, the two of them haven't been in each other's presence for an hour but they were already ready to split each other's throat.

"Don't call me that and just answer the question, you asshole."

The pair talked, or more like argued while they walked to their destination, the library. Suna Rintarou hated studying, he didn't know what the purpose of it was especially if he already set his mind on being a pro volleyball player when he grows up.

Because of the annoyance she had felt, she opened the door a lot harsher than she intended too. She let out a scowl which immediately turned into a fake smile when she noticed the eyes staring at the two of them.

Suna prevented himself from laughing at the sudden expression change when the girl noticed the countable people in the library staring at the two of them. "What's with the sudden change of attitude, Y/N?" he teased, trying to provoke her once again while the annoyed female tilted her head to look at him again.

"Shut up and don't ca-" she yelled but later on stopped when she remembered the students looking right at her. She closed her eyes, pinched the bridge of her nose and pressed both of her lips together in frustration.

The students looked at them, they found what was happening confusing. Different questions filled everyone's head as they stared at the two. Whispers filled the library, it was getting louder and louder every minute passed, but the librarian was too busy sleeping on her desk to even tell the students to shut up like she always did.

All of them were puzzled, why would L/N Y/N, the famous vice president of the student council be with the lazy player of their school's volleyball club.

While the two, who created the scene, were standing in front of everyone. One was worried about the rumors that may spread because of what is happening now and one who was finding leisure in the current situation.

Y/N harshly nudged Suna, indicating that he should shut up before she started walking with a smile. This was the most awkward shit she had done in her entire life, and she promised herself that it would be the last time.

She felt thankful that Suna followed her when she sat at one of the empty chairs, faraway from everyone. The volleyball player did the same, sitting across her while she sighs again and again.

"Do you have something for issues? You like them so much?" Y/N questioned as she crossed her legs causing the volleyball player to laugh.

He rested his elbow on the table, placing his chin atop of that. "Maybe" he replied.

She raised her brow in annoyance. "I regret a lot of things, agreeing to tutor you is topping the list" the girl said to the boy in front of her, smiling a bit. She hoped that she would successfully annoy him but luck wasn't with her today.

"What? You want me to top you baby?" Suna questioned, grinning at Y/N and before he knew it, he got smacked by the female. It definitely wasn't intended to be that hard, but because of anger, it was a lot harder than she thought it would be.


tutor me, miss perfect : r. sunaWhere stories live. Discover now