1) The gang is back

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Doug's POV

Did you have to park so close." Alan said suddenly but began hiding his face.
"Yeah what's wrong?" I said. "I shouldn't be here."
"And Why's that Alan?" I ask.
"I'm not supposed to be within 200 feet of a school."You say what now?I look at Him and he gives me a glance as well,But one thing's for sure i only had two question in my head.
What the fuck is wrong with this guy and what in gods name did he do?
"Or Chuck E. Cheese." Alan continued
Okay, I admit that this guy is a bit.....ok a lot weird but he's going to be my family in fourth eight hours I guess.
I shake my head in disbelief and look back at the school and saw the doors open revealing the Phil who could be mistaken for a homeless man in my opinion from the lack of shaving and messy hair if it wasn't for his wardrobe and the way he carried himself.

Phil's POV

."Mr. Wenneck I was--" A kid said walking up to me but cutting him off.
"It's the weekend Budnick, I don't know you, you do not exist."
"Shit." I all but yell looking at them in amazement while Doug laughs in pride."Nice Car."
"I'm Driving." I said and suddenly throws my bag hitting the empty leather seats.
"Whoa, no chance buddy." Doug said as I step on the car completely ignoring His pleads and jumps in next the back."Shut up and drive before these nerds ask me another question." I should not have become a teacher
"Animal." Doug said then starts the car.
"And Who's this?" Motioning to Alan.
"It's Alan. Tracy's brother." Doug said and began driving to what I assume is Stu's place. "I met you like four times." Alan said.
"Oh yeah. How you doing, man?" I say faking recognition.
"We going to get The good doctor?" I say placing my arm on the headrest.
"We just need to make one more stop" Doug replies with a knowing smirk. "Who we getting"
"You'll see" he all but sings.

About twenty minutes later we are pulling up at the loading and unloading bay at the airport. Parking right in front of a gorgeous woman. She's wearing a tight fitted black pencil dress hugging her curves perfectly and giving me a look at her angelic body, her hair is windswept in all the right ways with a pair of black rimmed sun glasses perched on top. As soon as she notices us a smile takes over her features and I think my heart skipped a beat. way too aware that I'm gawking at her I try to look away but can't seem to do so as she struts up to us her Louis Vuitton's rhythmically clicking on the ground as she approaches.
In one swift motion she throws a black duffel over your head before mirroring my earlier movements and climbing into the car.
"Seriously man" Doug huffs.
"Hello boys" and oh my sweet lord have mercy her voice is like honey and strawberries and I am captivated.
"Hey Matt" Doug says ecstatically. Alan then turns from the front to look at the new comer while I am left gobsmacked realising who this beauty is.
I haven't seen her since collage graduation. And my heart aches at the thought of how many years have past without her by my side. I'll admit I had a massive crush on her, and I'd be a fool to say that they have completely vanished. In fact they are as strong as when I had first realised I had them. When she moved away my heart broke and I ended up getting married to try and drown out the pain. And let me tell you worst thing I have ever done. The second we started to discuss having children and starting a family I knew it was over, because although I married her I couldn't picture myself having a family with her. I want kids I truly do but not with her. And so now here I am divorced and A cynic of marriage. Who wouldn't take me to a bachelor party?

"I thought this was a bachelors party, why is there a girl coming" Alan says obviously way too comfortable with the group already and I have to fight the urge to smack him.
"She's basically one of the boys. We've known Matt since high school and it wouldn't be right without her here. Plus we need someone to match phi's sarcasm" Doug replies trying to move past it.

"Isn't matt a boys name" Alan asks somewhat innocently pulling me from my thoughts.
"Yeah but it's a nick name, my names actually-" but I cut her off before she can continue. "Maddie. Maddie stone is that really you!?" I say desperately seeking reassurance. She turns to meet my gaze pulling down her glasses from her ombré locks to rest in front of her hazel eyes.
"It's actually Maddie Cassidy now" she says somewhat sadly. And I feel my heart plummet in my chest. She then starts to absentmindedly rub at her ring finger and that's when I notice she wasn't wearing a wedding band, but before I can ask Alan once again intervenes, man I really don't like this creep. "Maddie is that short for Maddison" .
"Yeah but most people me Maddie except for the boys who call me Matt, you're more than welcome to as well mate" she says leaning back in her seat beside me with her arm resting on the door. " I'd prefer to call you Maddison, it's more feminine" he says without a second thought. Man he's really starting to get on my nerves now.
"Y-yeah of corse dude, you do you" she then turns to me for the first time and mouths 'who the hell is this guy' gesturing with her head towards Alan.
'Tracy's brother Alan ' I mouth back causing her face to fall to one of understanding. And with that we se off I unable to tear my eyes away from her. For the entirety of the ride, she's finally back.
And with that we are off to rescue Stu from mega bitch.

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