12) lightning and demons

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This will be my only author note as the anoy me. Thank-you to everyone who has votes and or commented up to and past this point you make my day so much better. Have a lovely day.

'' Mattie, Mattie wake up'' I heard someone say
''Phil?'' I asked slowly opening my eyes, Phil put a hand on my cheek caressing it softly. Ok that's enough of that. I thought sitting myself up.

''Hey, you alright?'' he asked voice full of concern.
''No, I was having an amazing dream asshole'' I said looking around remembering my dream of cooking with Tom whilst dancing in our underwear my heart warms as a smile lazily spread across my lips.

  ''at the police station, seriously I swear you can sleep anywhere'' Phil said, laughing slightly. I frowned
''Have you been watching me this whole time?'' I asked sitting up, I noticed we were all handcuffed to each other and I had been laying with my head on Phil's lap.
''Kinda hard not too when you are lead on top of me, I also just called Tracy saying we got an extra night at the hotel so we have more time to find your brother'' he said, I nodded 

''Ughhhhhhh, I need to make my call.'' I groan dreading the next conversation. Pulling myself up phil was reluctant to leave me and despite the limited space the handcuffs provided between us phil pushed us even closer together.

Racking my brain I hat my face with my fist trying to remember the number. Finally remember it I punch in the numbers and hear the horrid brain decking sound until it stops and laughing is heard on the other side.

"Stop laughing" I complain huffing like a child only for phil to laugh.
"I'm sorry baby girl" he goes but I Interrupt him.
"Don't call me that, not unless you want Tom to kill you"
"Point taken, so what does my favourite little convict want" he laughs.
"I need you to distract Tom, I'm going to be late to the wedding"
"Alright jail bird"
"That easy" I smile but I'm not convinced at my own words."what's the catch"
"No catch, can't I just help my little jail birdie" silence "I want to be the maid of honour at your wedding" and there it is.
"Only because I'm desperate" I sigh knowing there is no other way.
"You won't regret this birdie"
"That's gonna stick isn't it"
"Yup bye bye birdie"
"Bye mark" I laugh hanging up the phone.

Turning to see phil I am met with a rage filled expression. "Who was that" he says in an accusatory tone like i just cheated on him to his face.
"Mark Sloan, we work together" I shrug nonchalantly going to sit back down but before he can say something else we are interrupted.

''Wenneck, Price, stone, Garner, room 3'' A cop then called out, we all got up and walked over to the room where they finally took off the handcuffs and we sat down at a table. Phil still impossibly close to me.

One of the cops that had arrested us walked in and closed the door behind him  ''Gentlemen, and Lady'' He started and Stu scoffs lightly at the 'lady' to witch i elbow him.

''we got some good news and we got some bad news, the good news is we found your Mercedes'' he continued, we all let out a sigh of relief.
''That's great news'' Stu said
''yeah it's over at the impound right now, we picked it up at 5 am this morning, parked in the middle of Las Vegas Boulevard'' the cop said.
''In the middle that's weird'' Phil said quiet
''yeah, that is weird, there was also a note saying 'couldn't find a meter, but here's four bucks'' the cop said throwing the note on the table and sitting down. Looking down at the note I immediately recognise the hand writing to be my own and chuckle lightly to myself.

''the bad news is, we can't get you in front of a judge until Monday morning'' the cop said


''Oh no uh, officer, that's just impossible, we need to be in L.A. tomorrow for a wedding'' Phil tried to reason with them.
''You stole a police car'' the female said loud
''We didn't steal anything, uhm we found it'' Stu tried 

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