9) hooker-i thought she was a doctor

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Matts POV

We pulled up to Best Little Chapel and we got out of the car,
"What about the baby?" Alan asked.
"Leave him in the car. We're gonna be five minutes." Phil said.
"Still ain't right Matt what do you think I mean would you like your son in a car?" Stu asked.
"You know what guys I don't feel to hot" that was the understatement of the year the world was spinning and bile was taking a rollercoaster in my throat. This along with the throbbing headache I can't think of something worse than movement.

Phil's face become over run with worry rushing to my side like an over protective husband. "Mattie! Are you alright! What is it.....do you have a fever are you burning up!?" His words rushed as he throws his larger hand to the front of my head checking my temperature. I throw my arm up throwing off his own in the process. "I'm fine...I'm fine" I sound as if I'm comforting him. "Go I'll hang with the little man" he goes to protest but looks at my face and decides against it disappearing into the cheap white wooden chapel.

Phil's POV

"Excuse me sir." I said. The guy looked at me smiling as if greeting an old friend, "Hi." I said.
"Look at these guys! What happened you miss Eddie? You want more from me?" The man apparently named Eddie asked coming up to us giving us hugs. "How are you my friend? Look at this guy. You're fucking crazy." Eddie said squishing Alan's face and embracing him tightly.
"Yeah I've got to hand it to you my friend you are one lucky fucker. That girl amazing and strong like panther or wolf. She's one hell of a bitch if you ask me." Eddie said and I fight the urge to punch him for his choice of words.

"Listen I'm gonna tell you something. I know some sick people in my life this guy is the craziest, wildest bastard I ever met in my life." Eddie said motioning towards Stu. My mouth hangs loose like a fish out of water
"This guy?" I asked in shock.
"This guy is out of his mind! What's going on you crazy mother fucker? I thought he was gonna eat my dick." Eddie said hugging Stu. Stu didn't hug back.

"What happened? No love for Eddie? You don't hug me?" He asked shaking his head. "No, no it's not that Eddie. Uh it's just we're having a hard time remembering what happened here last night." Stu said nervously rubbing at his neck.
"Yeah was there a wedding here? Do you do weddings?" Alan asked. I sighed,
"Excuse him, he's just being an idiot as usual." I but in.

"You cracking my balls man I love these guys. Zolea, what are you doing? Bring my friends some tear Baklava huh? Come on." Eddie said to his assistant who run away in a flash.
Eddie told us what else he does which got uncomfortable to say the least
"Eddie." I said speaking up. "Obviously we were here. We're looking for our mate Doug. Do you remember him?" I asked.

"Yeah the small guy" Eddie said. "Yeah." I said.
"You saw him?" Stu asked.
"Of course he was best man." He said pointing between myself and Stu.
"You don't remember nothing?" He asked. "Nope." Stu said. "Neither do you?" Eddie asks turning to myself. I simply shake my head.
"Come with me then." Eddie said almost disappointed walking to his counter us in tow.

Stu opens the albums and groaned, "Congrats Stu you got married." I said smiling. "This...This can't be happening." Stu said and kept turning through the photos.
"I'll tell you one thing. You look seriously happy here man." I all too excitedly say.

"And so did you buddy." Eddie said speaking up. "What?" I asked. "God I married a hooker didn't I?" I groan rubbing my hands over my face before doubling over the new found stubble of the night.

"Hooker- I thought she was a doctor" Eddie says shrugging and my hart beat quickens blaring in my ear. Why do I feel so....excited.

Eddie takes out another album and I open it seeing picture of myself and Mattie on the altar?! "What the....." I said my sentence trailing off.
"You don't remember? You said you had never been more happy nor content in your entirely of being....or something like this." Eddie said pointing at me.
To that I can't even reply mainly because I know in my hart it's true almost as if a long lost desire has come to light.

"Y-you mean to say I'm m-married." I gasp in awe tears threatening my eyes but I dare not let them fall.
"Yep." Eddie said. "And t-t-to Mattie ?" I asked. Eddie nodded smiling lovingly.
"But neither of us have a ring we don't-" I'm cut of by Eddie grabbing my left wrist only for it to emit a burning sensation.
"Ahhh my friend you got it" Eddie said triumphantly.
"Got what" my eyes grow wide and my eyebrows furrow as I glance down.

Written in cursive half of yesterday's date and the words 'the night we fell'
I looked at my friend and alan while alan falls to the floor laughing, Stu looks at me with eyes full of pain almost as if he understands the love and happiness yet confusion that runs through my hart and mind. All thoughts of his own hooker marriage now dissolved in the sea of drama.

"You've got to tell her" Stu's voice comes out almost as a whisper.
"No" is all I can manage in a firm tone.
"Phil-" he warns but he cuts me off.
"No! If there is even the slightest chance she'll....leave me. I can't. I just can't" my voice shakes and cracks as tears still remain in my eyes. "I can't have her leave me not again. Not when I just got her back....I-I love her man. I always have. A-a-a" my voice fails me as I'm left standing in silence staring at my friend who stares back. His eyes look into my soul as if hearing something he has known for years.

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