4) arriving in sin city

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Maddies POV

The five of us step out of the car, grabbing our bags as Doug gave the keys to the Mercedes to the valet. As we walked up to the doors, two men walked by, looking Me up and down cat calling as the walk.
Phil grumbles under his breath but I can't catch it, turning around to check them out I'm immediately spun into phil's chest who puts a protective arm around my waist brawling like a vicious dog towards the boys and the cat calling immediately ceases. 

I roll my eyes, jealousy seething through his face. he'd never cared before when we used to know each other and flirted so what the hell is happening now.
Phil looked back to see my reaction, smirking when I roll her eyes at him.  
"Carry my bag jackass" I tease, clicking my Louis Vuittons as I walk over to him and leaving it next to him. He sighed, grabbing it and following after me. 
"Hi, welcome to Caesars." An attractive young man says, walking up to one of the check in stations, "Checking in?"

Stu nodded, "Yeah we have a reservation, under Dr. Price." he told him, watching him type in his name.  "Okay, let me look that up for you."  
Phil looked at Stu, "Dr. Price? Stu you're a dentist, okay? Don't try to get fancy." he mocked.  
Stu suddenly turns to look at me "hey Matt what do you do now a days? we never asked" he said with sudden interest.
"Oh well Stu I too am a doctor" I said with a little pride.
"Ahhh another dentist, see Matt agrees dentist is a doctor" Stu triumphs causing phil to scoff.
"Um actually no" I interrupt capturing their attention as they eagerly await for me to continue. "I'm head of paediatrics surgery at Seattle grey Sloan memorial hospital" and their jaws drop and then phil let's put a heavenly laugh.

I roll my eyes, "is someone has a heart attack still call 911 or the gorgeous lady" he says to the man cheekily grinning and winking at me. 

"Can I ask you a question?" Alan asked the man, "Do you know if this hotel is pager friendly?" he asked, holding up his ages old pager. I look at Alan in utter confusion, "What do you mean?" Mark, the host responded.  "I'm not getting a sig on my beeper."   I chuckle.
"That's because this is 2009, Alan, not 2003. Nobody carries pagers unless its for their work." Stu pointed out. Alan frowned at him.  "Is there a payphone bank? Bunch of payphones? Business." he rambles out words I don't even understand.  Mark smiled towards me , "Um, there's a phone in your room."
"That'll work."  Mark nods, "So I have you in a two bedroom suite on the 12th floor, is that okay?" He asked. 

"Sounds perfect." Doug responded but I quickly throw my  hand up.  "Wait, Stu, there's five of us, we'd all have to share a bed."
"Yeah actually do you have any villas?" Phil asked, agreeing with Me. I nod, looking to Mark for an answer only to realise that his eyes have yet to leave me.  And I think phil noticed too judging from the look in his ever angry growing eyes.

Stu disagreed, "Phil we're not even gonna be in the room." he pointed out, "it's unnecessary."  Doug nodded, "It's no big deal, we can share beds, it's one night."   "If we share beds, I'm bunking with Maddison." Alan states, Phil looks at Me and then Alan, shaking his head.  "I would rather jump off a bridge then let that happen" he says stepping protectively in front of me blocking marks view...coincidence I think not.

"No, I'm not. Guys we are not sharing beds, What are we 12 years old?" I rattle on agreeing with phil, "Mark, I apologize, how much is the villa?"
"Well we have one villa available and its $4,200 for the night."
"Is it awesome?" Alan asks Him.  Mark smiles, "It's pretty awesome."
Phil grins, "We'll take it, give her your credit card." he says, looking at Stu who groans.   "I can't give her my credit card." Stu admits, looking at the floor.   Doug begins to pull his wallet out, "We'll split it."  "Are you crazy?" Phil objects, he shifts his weight to one side, his hand brushing my thigh, "No, this is on us."  

Phil looked at Stu again, urging him to give Mark his card, "You guys don't get it, Melissa checks my statements." he confesses with shame.  I  roll my eyes, whipping out my own debit card. "Here, I got it." I say, handing Mark my card.  Phil snatches the card, "What? No you can't cover the whole thing, we won't allow that." he tells me and looks back at Stu.  "Oh but I can cover the whole thing?" Stu grumbles, debating if he should give in and give her his card.  I roll my eyes, if I keep doing that I'm going to do myself some damage "listen I just got payed plus I make more in a week than you guys make in a year combined. It's nothing really." I assure, watching Phil slowly give in.  

Finally, Mark speaks up, "We just need a credit card on file, we wont charge you until you check out, you can figure it out then." He informs us eyes now back on me, creep.  Phil tries to grin but looks somewhat like the grinch, "Oh, perfect, Stu give him your card." he orders. I rolls my eyes, shoving her debit card back into her wallet.   "You probably get this a lot, this isn't the real Caesars Palace, is it?" Alan asks as Mark enters Stu's credit card.  
I turn to phil, "He's not serious is he."  in shock and embarrassment that Alan asked such a dumb question.  

"What do you mean?" Mark responded, furrowing her eyebrows and finally turning away from me.   Alan walks closer to the counter, "Did uh, did Caeser live here?" Mark looks at Me in confusion, and I throw my hands up in defeat silently conveying the message 'you're on your own'
"Um, no." He answers.   Alan nods, embarrassed, "I didn't think so." Well at least he knows it was a dumb question.

Stu slides the room key into the slot, pushing open the door, "Holy shit." he mutters out in awe.  M, Doug and Phil stumble in, "Now this, is Vegas." Phil grins, looking at me to see if i approved.  "Damn." I smile.

Doug gasps, "Oh my, this place is enormous. One small problem there are only four bedrooms and five of us" he looks at the group then back to the villa in amazement. "So someone's gonna have to share" before anyone else has chance to speak alan intervenes "I'll room with Maddison" he says with a shit eating grin.
"Once again alan not a chance, I'll room with Mattie we need to talk anyway" he says the last part deadly seriously still shooting daggers at alan. And we all then turn back to Doug.

"This is all one suite? Thank you guys, or should I say, thank you Stu." He teased.   Stu grins,
"Your welcome, it's only because I love you." he responds.  Phil throws his hands up, "Alright ladies and Matt, let's pick a room, lets get dressed and be ready in 30 minutes."  I take my bag from Phil's watch, throwing the duffel over my shoulder as I walk toward a back corner room, across from her room is another room and in between a bathroom.

I throw my duffel into the room and rushes into the room and am closely followed by phil. "You are going to talk to me now wether you like it or not" and I simply nod knowing there was no avoiding this not with phil anyway.

Phil's POV

I sit on the edge of the bed as she walks over and sits beside me taking deep breaths to steady herself. Whatever it was that happened I knew it was big.
"Six years ago I was at home with Denny when something happened and I was injured" just the way she said that I knew what she meant and I begin to shake with anger, but I can't do anything she's opening up to me and I need to know. But I swear if we weren't here for Doug I'd kill this Denny guy with my bare hands. Oh who am I kidding Doug would gladly come along and Stu for that matter.
I'm pulled from my thoughts as she begins to speak again "it was bad a d they where worried that a broken rib may have punctured my lung and cause possible internal injuries" she says obviously dumbing it down for me.

"They did an MRI and turns out I had tumours....cancer late stage as well" I was shocked "how long did they give you" the answer might just kill me.
"Six months with radiation chemo and a hell of a lot of luck"
"Jesus Mattie when was this" I am nearly screaming In pain by this point. "Two years ago" she breaths out and I follow. " they declared me cancer free last Tuesday, they have no explanation they say it was a miracle and in my line of work it's rare we see those"

"Jesus Mattie why didn't you call us" "we haven't spoken in 12 years phil, I was alone and I'm ok with that" my heart shattered. "Well you ain't getting rid of me ever agin baby doll"

We stare at each other in silence tension flooding the room. I begin to lean forwards eyes glued to her perfect rosy lips her eyes flutter close. This is it the moment I've longed for for 12 fucking years. Suddenly the door swings open and in walks alan. Pants less might I add.

"Get the fuck out" I all but yell at the dunderhead. But it's too late Mattie has already jumped to her feat and run to the bathroom. I'm going to kill him if a heart attack doesn't bear me to it. And with that I get changed and head to Stu's room.

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