6) aftermath

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Maddie's POV

What the fuck? It feels as though there is a circus crashing around inside my head. The raging headache making me nauseous. I put my hands on my temples and grunted in pain.

I blow out a deep breath and let my arms rise so that they are rubbing my mess of a face. It's times that these where I am glad I don't wear makeup. I started to mess with my skin smushing it together in a pained haze it finally bringing my hands down besides me. My finger tips brush over something soft. it felt like hair.
I opened my eyes for a split second the sun blinding me as I did so causing me to smash them shut once more, to see someone next to me. Phil?
Shit. what the fuck happened? Suddenly, feet got out running from the bathroom, the owner of the sounds feet collided with who looked like Phil's stomach waking him up to what is most likely an equally if not more knowing the man painful migraine. I turned around to see Alan on the floor standing up quickly, at that same moment I noticed he was naked and turned away at the vomit worthy sight.

"What the fuck?" Phil grunted, his fingers on his eyes rubbing them as I had done " Control yourself, man."
Phil looked over at Alan "Goddamn, will you put on some pants?" Phil said turning his head, meeting me as he did that. "Mattie?" His voice equal parts hopeful as it was anxious " Hey, Phil." I said just awkwardly.
"What the fuck... Did we?" He assumed, I looked at him confused before the reality of the situation hit me like a brick. I didn't check that. I looked under to reveal we where only in our underwear , half naked, From a night in vegans that no one seems to remember, great.
"No definitely not..I will never be that fucked up" I said, he peeked under the sheets and nodded. I can't tell if it was approvingly or just recognition but I slap him anyways. "Oh, we definitely did...joking , you'd know" He chuckled then looked over at me with a huge smile on his face. Approvingly it was definitely approvingly

"Alan what the fuck happened?"phil said as the giant idiot stares down at us.
"Phil, do not go in the bathroom." Alan panicked.
"Why not?" I asked.
"Al. Just calm down. It's me." Phil said starting to get up. I noticed his shirt close by, so I pointed at it for Phil to grab it. Shrugging it over his shoulders but neglecting the buttons.
"Phil, there is a tiger in the bathroom." Alan said. Phil gave me the cover as a hurriedly covered myself standing as I did so and phil joined me. Hugging me from behind heating his head in the crook of my neck as I tilted my head back into him, we turned back to Alan as I rub a burning patch of skin on my hip but the contact makes it worse so I wince away which phil caught but chose to ignore for the time being.

When I looked over at Alan, I noticed he was holding his to cover himself slightly and... oh, go. He pissed himself.

" Okay, okay Al. I'll check it out!" Phil said sleepily.
"Me too" I say just wanting to prove alan wrong.
Alan frantically told Phil not to go in the bathroom. Begging and pleasing but making no move to physically stop us. Phil grabs the handle lazily swinging it open as we both step inside. And sure enough a giant jungle cat is lounging about in the bathroom. Phil grabs me by the waist shoving me through the door as fast as humanly possible before following me out and securing the lock.

"Holy fuck he's not kidding, there's a tiger in there!"
"No there isn't " Stu said, still sleepy. I'd reply but I'm way too shocked. Where the hell did that thing come from. It's not like we got it off the street is it. Did we buy a tiger last night?

"Yeah" Alan pitched interrupting my train of thought "A beast! Gigantic"
"You okay Buddy? " Phil asked Stu. I got a good look over at Stu and he looked like total shit.
"No, I am in so much pain right now." He said. I nodded in comprehension,

"Did you guys? You know?" Stu asked us
"I'd rather not talk about it" I replied sinking into the couch but Phil just sat there with a shit eating grin on his face.
"Goddamn, look at this place" Phil said sitting down next to me.
"I know, Phil. Matt, they have my credit card downstairs. I'm so screwed" Stu said getting his head on his hands. Phil took a monster drink from the table and started to drink from it.

"Guys, how does a tiger get in the bathroom it almost killed me!" Alan panicked. He still wasn't wearing any pants. " Alan put on some pants! Jesus!" I yelled.
"Yeah, bro, I find it a little weird we have to ask twice" Phil said turning his head back to us.
"Pants at a time like this? I don't have any p--" i neared but then I tuned out his high pitched wines instead once again going back to that patch of skin.

"What the fuck happened last night?" Phil asked shifting on the couch
"Hey, guys, am I missing a tooth?" Stu asked pulling at his upper lip.
"I can't--ooh, shit" Phil said after Stu opened his mouth.
"Oh, god, Stu" I cackle slapping my hand over my mouth. Let me tell you huge fucking mistake, shockwaves of pain make their way through my head, his front tooth was missing. Stu grabbed a silver tray, shiny enough to see his reflection
"Oh my god! My lateral incisors it's gone!" He freaked out. I started laughing out of nervousness freaking out too this time.
"It's not funny!"
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" I said looking at his mouth missing a tooth "You're missing a tooth"
"I know I'm missing a tooth!" Stu freaked out "It's okay, okay, okay, we just need to - Just calm down, we're fine, everything's fine! Alan, go wake up Doug, let's just get some coffee and get the fuck out of Nevada before housekeeping shows" Phil tried to calm him down obviously not working. I sighed and leaned onto phil's shoulder ,

"What am I gonna tell Melissa? I lost a Tooth I have no idea how it happened?" Stu freaked and I just rolled my eyes, one day I'm going to punch her the second I meet her perhaps. It's incredible how blind this man It really gets me angry that, somehow, he still loves her. But I understand I guess.

"It's fine, Stu. We just got to get our shit together first. We'll deal with Melissa later "I said holding my head on my hands. I got a massive headache.
"You're freaking me out man," Phil said
"Me too" I said agreeing. Phil started to rub my back gently while talking but when he comes into contact with that stupid fucking patch I jump away in pain.
"Ok Mattie what the hell is that" he said worried.
"I don't know it burns it-" I pulled my sheet up slightly to reveal a tattoo. It was simple black lettering with the first half of yesterday's date in lettering underneath wrote "lest we remember..."
"Oh Jesus" I mumbled.
"You didn't get a tattoo did you? " Alan said dumbly.
"Well obviously dips hit" I snapped at the man knowing full well he probably had something to do with the memory loss if he didn't cause it.

"I got a massive headache, Mattie too and I'm sure you do too, so, let's just calm down, okay?" Phil said his fingers tracing over the letters and numbers.
"How am I supposed to calm down? Look around you" Stu freaked out
"Stu, come o-"
"Hey, guys, he's not in there" Alan said coming out from the room.
"Did you check all the rooms?" Phil asked
"Yeah, I looked everywhere. Plus, his mattress is gone" Alan said.

Now it's my turn to freak out, again, where the fuck is he?
"Yeah, whatever, he probably went to the pool to get something to eat" Phil leaned back and I could feel his eyes trailing me
"I'll call his cell" He took his phone from his pocket and dialed Doug's number

"I look like a nerdy hillbilly" Stu's remarked looking at the tray, it'd make me laugh if I weren't so worried about Doug and why the hell I have no recollection on what happened.
"He's fine, Mattie" Phil said. As he said that a phone started ringing making my chest rise up violently fast. Alan walks up to it, grabs the phone, opens, and answers the phone.
I so want to punch myself or more preferably him, right now....that'll do it. Somehow, I know he's behind all this.
"Idiot" I replied
"Who's this?" Alan asked clueless
"It's Phil"
"Oh, hey, Phil" He took the phone out of his ear and looked at it, realizing something, then saying to himself "This is Doug's phone"
"This is Doug's phone" Alan said to us now making me groan out loud and throw the phone on top of Stu. There is no way in hell that that man is all there mentally.

"Hey, we don't know, okay? He, probably went to grab breakfast and forgot his phone, alright?" Phil tried to reassure everyone after seeing our faces.
"He'd wake us up" stu argued hand still in his mouth.
"In the state that we were, he probably wouldn't" Phil said, he glued our foreheads together and put on a little smile "He's okay. Relax" He kissed my temple and that's when we heard it. The cries of an baby echoing through the villa.

Oh hell no. Please be something else's, anything else, anything else, anything else I chanted in my head. But why the hell would we be so lucky. Opening the cupboard to reveal a baby that could be no more than ten months old at the latest. Staring at this child I had two thoughts.

One- whose child is this and did we kidnap it.

Two- if Alan checked all the rooms then how the hell did he miss a human baby. I know he's stupid but come on.


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