2) highwaymen

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Maddie POV

Not going to lie it kind of kneeled me out that Phil didn't take his eyes of me since I have arrived, not that I blame him after all I did just disappear without a word. I know, I know bitch move but I can't take back the past so why regret it?
When we finally made it to our stop I noticed that we where in a small neighbourhood that scarily reminded me of the step-ford wives movie. 
"Stu lives here?" I ask.  "Yeah lives with his girlfriend to be exact, a OCD freak not to mention a total raging bitch." Phil said.
"So who's gonna get him?" Doug asks. 
"At the same time Mattie?, hell might break loose for Stu but it will be worth it." He was the only one who called me Mattie. Ever. He cupped his lips and I copied .
"What are you-" Doug said but was cut off when Phil and I calling out.
"Paging Dr. Fa***t" phil yelled.
...Dr.Fa***t!" I followed.

(I hated writing that but it's in the scripted and a huge part of phil's personality to be like this)

honestly it worked cause Stu came out completely pissed.  "That was so immature." Stu said while gently putting his stuff in the trunk and getting in the car through the left door much more civil than what I and Phil had done.
There was limited space making me scoot closer to Phil 
"Yeah but what can we say, we're an immature group." I said speaking up. 
"Matt? is that you?" Stu said looking at me wide eyes and what can only be described as star struck. 
"Yeah Doc it's me."
"Oh it's been too long." Stu said giving me a bear hug before holding me at arms length to examine me. 
"Yeah it has. We should do this more often I've missed you guys" I said and we pull away. 
"And you look great by the way. Anything interesting happen to you over the years"  "Thanks you too. And...and...umm..no nothing really comes to mind" I said faking ignorance. Truthfully my life has been anything but boring.

Phil drops a protective arm on my shoulder.  "Come on something's gotta have happened what has it been 12 years."
With this dougs head shot to the mirror watching us closely in the reflection.
"Well...um...I got married" I stammer through. I subconsciously note phil's clenching his jaw slightly as his palm fists until the buckles turn white from tension.
"Who's the luck man" Stu says.
"Denny Cassidy" I said simply.
"Well tell us about him" Stu continues to pester me until doug interrupts."listen Stu if Mattie doesn't want to talk about it just leave her be" he said knowingly.
"No, no I like talking about him. Helps me remember you know" taking a dead breath i tern to Stu. ""about six years ago I was running down the street in the pouring rain, and  lucky me wore a white shirt. Within second it was completely see through and I was running though the streets of Seattle my black Lacy bra on display for all to see getting cat called by every man in sight. When all of a sudden the most handsome man I had ever seen jumps from a a fire truck running to me. I was terrified flash forward Four years later he leaves me for a hooters waitress. jokes on him turns out she was in fact a he" I said laughing remembering how he tried to come crawling back.  "So yeah we got divorced and I'm telling you marriage is the worst thing man kind has ever invented"
"Hell yeah" phil high-fives me at this.
"Come on guys" Doug groans.

As we continue driving on the highway,  Phil takes out a bottle of beer and starts drinking up.  "Want some?" Phil said handing me a bottle and I take it without hesitation causing him to laugh.

Suddenly Alan stands up shouts.  "Woohooo! Vegas! Vegas, Baby!" Alan shouts  A car with a  kid in the back seat catches on to us and flips Alan.  With that Alan sits back down offended.  You had that coming dude, I applaud that child. 

"Come on, just til Barstow. Everybody's passing us." Phil whines to Doug.  "Absolutely not, I promised Sid, I will be the only one driving this car, Besides you're drinking." Doug said.  "That's just a bunch of Baloney." Stu said
Oh what are you a cop now? You know I drive great when I'm drunk." Phil said.  "True. Don't forget Phil was always our designated drunk driver." I said. 
"Yeah, You wanna explain to them Alan?" Doug said.  "Guys, my Dad loves this car more than he loves me, so yeah." Alan said. 
"Oh" I said towards Alan.
  A Dad loving his car more than his own child , relatable.
"Aw whatever, I left my ex wife so I could go with you guys, you know how difficult that was." Phil said voice dripping in sarcasm taking another sip at his drink.
Wait what the actual hell "You're married?" I ask more like yell in complete and utter shock.  "I was didn't work out ?" Phil said shrugging looking at me weirdly.
"Oh I'm sorry dude. You have any kids I should know about" I said looking down on the beer bottle in my hands fake laughing to ease this new feeling in the pit of my stomach.
"God no" he chuckles. He was Married... they are suppose to be my best friends especially phil and I didn't even know he got hitched.
"That's sweet." Alan said.  "Yeah."  "Dude I was being Sarcastic, I fucking hate my life. I might as well stay in Vegas with Mattie." Phil said.
"Shit I'm down for it if you are." I said making everyone laugh
.Wait he's fucking drunk so am I , I can't trust my feelings right  now. Not that I'd want to be with phil. I mean I used to have a crush on him but....who am I kidding I still do.....fuck.

"But besides that Doug." Phil said getting Doug's and everyone else's attention.  "Here we go."  "Enjoy yourself because come Sunday, you're just gonna start dying just a little bit every day." Phil said 
"Preach"  I yell raising my almost empty bottle. 
Phil chuckled drinking his beer again.
"Yeah Marriage fucking sucks." Phil said almost a little disappointed that I had agreed. 
"Yeah. That's why I've managed to stay single this whole time you know?" Alan said.  "Oh really that's why you're single?" Stu asks not buying it for a second.  I really wanted to tell him but even I'm not that much of a bitch. Get a few more drinks in me and then i am.
"Yeah but I think I'll change since I found someone interesting." Alan said then turns his head to me. And with that I start to violently chocks on my drink.  No way in the nine realms and beyond just no.  I look at Phil out of habit and saw that his jaw had tensened as it has when I mentioned I was married.  What's wrong with him?  Or maybe I'm just imagining things. I perch up slightly to take full advantage of the roofless car and clear my mind as phil's eyes burn holes in me. And surprisingly he was not gawking at my ass but instead my face witch had me more than confused.

"Am I good over there Alan?" Doug asks.  "Yeah you're good."  As Doug was about to move to the other lane a truck suddenly pops out honking it's obnoxiously loud horn.

Due to the sudden movement I fall to my right, but landed on something not registering what it was I ignore it.  Doug then drives back to the original lane with a mixture of anger and panic contorting his face.  "Oh my God!" Stu said. 
"That was awesome." Alan said.  "That was not awesome! What's wrong with you?". 
"That was insane, we almost just died."
"You should have seen your face." Alan said.
"That was funny Ha-ha." Phil joined "It's not funny." Doug said.

"Not that I mind, but are you planning on staying there the whole trip?" Phil said with a mischievous smirk suddenly I felt a hand on my side. Maybe it was the alcohol talking or the fact that I'm a stubborn brat but Something in me didn't like that smirk. "Yes in fact I am" I said crossing my arms over my chest huffing. He threw his head back laughing before coming up to my ear. "Just don't wiggle around too much baby".
I would have moved if shock hadn't of prevented me from doing do and I am more than certain i am blushing like mad. But why?

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