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The right people will know how to hold your love.

"Where are your parents, Akabane-kun?"  

The redhead sighs and nonchalantly swings his chair back and forth. "I told you, they're oversees. It's not like they would come just because you asked for it. Who do you think you are?"

"And this is why I should speak with them." His elementary school homeroom teacher pops a vein and rubs his temples, "Tell me when I actually could."

"Hm, never?" He sticks his tongue out. 

"Excuse me?" It's like he's testing his patience, "How about a guardian then? Surely, there should at least be one available."

"Mom and dad don't like our relatives very much so," Karma furrows his brows with a pout, "Unless the housekeeper is done with chores, she's the closest one you can get to."

"What..?" No wonder he turned out so rebellious! He doesn't even have someone to properly tend to him. "Has it always been this way?"

The kid folds his arms and starts thinking deeply, "Since ever? They just come and go whenever they feel like it."

So much that their faces were not vivid in his memories. 

But one thing he does remember. 

"Listen here, my child." A rare moment where Karma's parents were present. His mother cups his cheeks and whispered the same words every chance she could, "We are born free; so never allow yourself to be silenced. There must be no one in this world who should be able to stop you from doing what you wish. Not even us."

They would know how to speak your language, so you need not to spend an eternity trying to translate your soul.

As a child, he interpreted that positively. The way they didn't shackle his choices affirming his independence, it was supportive and empowering. 

"Of course, there are still boundaries we must follow." So they wouldn't leave a confusing message as to challenge the usual authority structure. His father flicks his forehead with a chuckle as he sees his son pout as if they were trying to take back their words. "But as long as you are in the right, we will always be on your side."

"Our love must let you fly to wherever your heart desires."

Even birds may naturally learn on their own, but one can still fall when alone in the face of predators. 

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The housekeeper bows continuously to the school principal, "The young master didn't mean to."

She rolls her eyes then glances back at the said child, "Sure doesn't look like it."

"It's not like I started it. If you get punched, do you just stay there and take it?"

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