Ch 5: Mother's comfort

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Third person's point of view 

"How long must you stare at twirl in front of the mirror? Do you fantasize school so much that merely wearing our uniform excites you?" Gakushu complains, leaning against the wall as he watches her for approximately five minutes now.

["Surely! You just don't understand, little brother; how lonely and tedious it is during home school with no one else to speak to."] Ginka acted with dramatic effects which made him sweat drop. She then turns away from the mirror to face him, ["Do I not look so lovely?"]

[Credits: @Gakushuuisbae_101 💖]

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[Credits: @Gakushuuisbae_101 💖]

The following day has passed and now the twins were getting ready to head out. Ginka eventually got nagged by Gakushu the moment he came back to discharge her. He had the posts taken down and made the general public into believing that it were deleted because of backlash given that those people caused a scene in the hospital with no strong evidence whatsoever.

But more than anything, he wondered who was this mysterious guy who helped his sister out. He could definitely get him investigated but he'll never hear the end of it from Ginka as that someone did deserve his right for privacy. 

"Of course." While he does mean that, it sounded like he didn't since he just wants to leave immediately. He definitely wouldn't want to stain his perfect record with tardiness. "Now should we not get a move on already?"

["Boo. So impatient."] Ginka makes face before slinging the messenger bag over her shoulder, ["Race you down the stairs?"]

"I refuse. To indulge in such childish acts is unbecoming of you." She just shrugs at his response and jumps down the stairs in large steps the fasten her pace, "Hey!"

Gakushu could only shake his head with a sigh. He follows her down and meets her at the car already seated at the back. After he closes the door and positions himself, he gestures the driver to go on, taking them to school. 

"I'll keep the faculty informed that you'll be using your phone as mode of communication only for this week. If they absolutely forbid it, shift to writing down on a notebook." It is not always he would force what he wants and what's more convenient to him. He still respects the rules established. 

["Understood."] Ginka looks back to the window as they drive away from their house, ["Hmm, how is mother faring? I wonder if she would consider calling for me now that we are to be together for almost half a year."]

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